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摘 要 建设工程施工中安全生产事故频繁发生, 造成了人员伤亡和财产损失。面对如此严峻的建筑安全形势, 各相关部门必须加大建筑施工的安全监管力度。及时督促建设过程各责任主体安全防护中存在的隐患, 遏制安全事故的发生。建筑行业安全生产事故的特点本文工程项目建设中施工安全管理措施进行讨论阐述我国建筑施工安全现状及出现的问题,并行之有效的管理对策,确保我国建筑行业的稳定、快速发展。安全生产是党和国家的一贯方针和基本国策随着国家《建筑法》、《安全生产法》、《建设工程安全生产管理条例》等法律、法规的相继颁布实施,安全生产工作取得了很大的成绩。但是,安全生产形势依然十分严峻,还有不少的施工现场不同程度地存在着安全隐患,许多危险源没有真正受控。因此,安全生产工作是一项常抓不懈的工作。但是由于建筑行业规范国家法律约束力和执行力不足致使建筑施工安全事故屡见不鲜,严重制约我国建筑行业的规范化。 : Abstract The production safety accidents in Construction Engineering occur frequently, resulting in significant casualties and property losses. Facing with this grim building security situation, the relevant departments must increase the safety supervision of construction. Promptly urging the main responsibilities in the building process to rectify the risks in security protection and existing to curb the occurrence of accidents. According to the characteristics of production safety accidents in construction industry, this paper aims to analyze and discuss the site construction and safety measures in the construction projects. To explain our situations and construction safety problems and to study the effective management measures, so that we can ensure the stable and rapid development in China抯 construction industry. Safety production is the consistent approach and the basic national policy of our party and state. Along with the Construction Law, Production Safety Law, Construction Safety Regulations and other laws and regulations have been promulgated and implemented; the production safety has made great achievements. However, production safety situation remains severe, there are many construction site safety hazards of different degrees exist, and many sources of danger are not really controlled. Therefore, the safety production work needs to be unremittingly. However, due to the construction industry standards and national laws binding and execution is weak, leading to the construction safety accidents occur frequently and seriously restrict the standardization of Chin



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