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7. What must be done if wildlife protection is to succeed? 要想成功保护野生动物,必须做些什么? succeed vi. 成功 vt. 接替;继任 I tried to discuss it with her but only succeeded in making her angry. 我本想跟她商量,结果却把她惹火了。 Gingrich will succeed Foley as speaker of the House. 金里奇将接替福利担任众议院议长。 Formerly the eldest son succeeded to his father’s title in China. 从前在中国大儿子世袭爵位。 【拓展】 success n.成功;成功的人或事 successful adj. 成功的 successfully adv. 成功地 succeed in doing sth.=be successful in doing sth. 成功干某事 succeed to... 继承(王位、财产);袭(爵) succeed sb. as... 接替某人当……;继任某人为…… 【即学即练】 (1)宇航员们按计划成功地从月球返回到地球。 The astronauts ______________________ from the moon to the earth according to the plan. (2)他继承他父亲的职位,担任公司董事长。 He _________________ as president of the company. (3) 努力是通往成功之路。 Hard work is the gateway to ________. succeeded in returning succeeded his father success 8. employ vt. 雇用;利用(时间、精力等) Can they be employed to work in the park and not hurt the animals? 他们能否被雇用在公园里工作并且不伤害动物? (1)He was employed as a bus driver. 他被雇为公共汽车司机。 (2)They employed her to look after the baby. 他们雇她照顾婴儿。 (3)She employs her free time in sewing/to sew. 她把闲暇时间花在缝纫上。 【拓展】 (1)employ sb. as... 雇用某人为…… (2)employ sb. to do sth. 雇用某人做某事 (3)employ sth. to do / in doing sth. 利用某物干某事 (4)employ oneself in=be employed / busy in 从事/忙于…… 9. harm n. vt. 损害;危害 What should be done to punish people who do harm to the animals? 对那些伤害动物的人应该怎样去惩罚他们? (1)The dog seems fierce, but it won’t harm anyone. 这条狗看上去很凶,但它不会伤害任何人。 (2)He may say no, but there is no harm in asking. 他可能拒绝,但问一问也无妨。 【拓展】 harmful adj.有害的 be harmful to=do harm to do sb. harm=do harm to sb.对……有害 There is no harm in doing sth. =It does no harm (for sb.)to do sth. 做某事是个好主意(或没有坏处) 【即学即练】 (2)Fruit juice can ______________ children’s teeth. 果汁可能损坏儿童的牙齿。 (1) Did the storm _____________the corn? 暴雨损害玉米了吗? do harm to be harmful to 【趣味阅读】 Zhang Ziyi hosts in English for wildlife protection BEIJING, March 29 – Chinese actress


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