牛津译林 模块五M5U1Task课件.ppt

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牛津译林 模块五M5U1Task课件

Im sorry if I dont seem like Im full of emotions but I dont know what ________(believe) - that I actually did it or Im still preparing for my race.;Unit 1 Getting along with others; Writing a letter to a friend;Skills building 1: writing down the answers;When we interview someone, we need to write down their answers to the questions we ask. Here are some suggestions that may be of help to you.; Questions prepare them in advance. Notes brief notes only, not whole sentences. write down the most important information. ;Whole sentence;Use contractions and abbreviations whenever possible. =Whenever _ __ possible.;will not shall not is not he is / has ; NO. Prof. e.g. PRC ;Tip: Be polite when you ask others to repeat;說時用升調;-Youve just stepped on my foot! -I beg your pardon.;- People living in Huaihua are very rude. - I beg your pardon! I’m a Huaihuanese.;New friends;Step 1: calling Teen Talk for advice; Answers;Note :;Listen to a conversation from Teen Talk and fill in the notes. Write down only the key words.;2. Description of the problem: ;5. Planned actions to overcome the problem: ;How do we express agreement and disagreement in English? There are many expressions that we can use, aside from simple Yes and No answers.; Agreeing I agree with you… I’m of the same opinion (as)… Exactly That’s a good point. That’s how I feel… That’s right. You’ve got a point. Yes. And another reason is that…;;A: You guys already broke up. He had no reason to lie to you. B: Youve got a point there. 你说得有道理。;You get the point (A lazy person’s favorite saying. Commonly used when people are to lazy to finish... well?you get the point.) we are like 2 peas in a pod. 2 nuts in a ... you get the point.;撩侄卑锈续鼎宋噪岸病沤翔奸半渔盔愿专泉写桑雄膝橡导变雄串瞥愿耽效牛津译林 模块五M5U1Task课件牛津译林 模块五M5U1Task课件;There is no point (in)?arguing with him any more. He will not change his mind.;Group work (Dialogue);Chinese food is healthier for you than foreign food.


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