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第 26 卷 第 4期 重 庆 交通 大学 学 报 ( 自然 科学 版 ) V ol. 26 N o. 4 2007 年 8 月 JOU RNAL OF CHONGQ ING J IAOTONG UN IV ERS ITY ( NATURAL SCIENCE) A ug. 2007 1 2 刘会迎 宋宏伟 ( 1. 710061; 2. 030032) : . : ; ; ; : U 455 : A : 10017 16X ( 2007) 0400540 3 G enetic Analy sis and Preven tingM ea sures for the Tunn elW ater Penetration and W ater L eakage 1 2 L IU H u iying SONG H ongw e i ( 1. Co. L mi ited L iab ility of N o. 2 Eng ineer ing Ch ina R aiwl ay 17th Bureau G roup Sh anx i X ian 7100 61 Ch ina; 2. Co. L mi ited L iability of N o. 1 Eng ineering China R a ilw ay 17th Bureau G roup Sh anx iT a iyu an 030032 China) A bstrac t: H av ing introdu cing the bas ic in stance m a inly h arm and exh ib ition fo rm the cau ses o f the w a ter penetration and w ater leakag e o f the tunne l are analyzed m a inly on the asp ects o f the design o f preventdra inage sy stem con struc tion qu a lity and the u sing o fw ate rproo f m ater ia ls. Then seve ra lm ethods fo r preventing the w a ter p enetration and w ater leakage of the tun ne l a re put fo rw a rds in o rder to avo id the problem s in the future design and constru ction and to gu arantee the stru ctu ra l safety o f the tunne l and the norm a l u se o f the equ ipm ent. K ey w ord s: tunne;l w ater p enetra tion and w ater leakage; genetic ana lysis; preventm easures [ 1] . l999 6 876 ; 3 670 km 200 km . . . l998 . 5 000 2 500 km 1 70% l 36


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