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复旦教育论坛 2014 年第12 卷第5 期 Fudan Education Forum 2014. Vol.12,No.5 ·新 论· 对分课堂:大学课堂教学改革的新探索 张学新 (复旦大学 社会发展与公共政策 学院, 上海 200433) 摘要:针对当前高校课堂存在的主要问题 ,结合讲授 式课堂与讨论式课堂的优点 ,提出了名为“对分课 堂”的课堂教 学改革新模式 。其核心理念是分配一半课堂时间给教师讲授,另一半给学生讨论,并把讲授和 讨论时 间错开,让学生在课后有一周时 间自主安排 学习,进行个性化的 内化吸收。对应的考核方法强调过程 性评价 ,并关注不同的学习需求。试点教学表明,对分课堂有效增强了学生学习的主动性,教 学效果 良好。对 分课堂有可能是一种适合 中国国情的高校课堂教学模式 ,值得进一步尝试和推广 。 关键词:高等教育;对分课堂;大学课堂教 学;内化吸收;过程性评价 ;学习需求 中图分类号:G642.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-0059 (2014)05-0005-06 DOI:10.13397/ki.fef.2014.05.002 PAD Class :A New Attempt in University Teaching Reform ZHANG John Xue-xin (School of Social Development and Public Policy, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China) Abstract: To address major problems in current university classroom teaching, the paper proposes PAD Class (Presentation-Assimilation-Discussion) as a new teaching method combining the advantages of lecture and discussion. The key idea is to allocate half of the class time to teachers presentation and the other half to students discussion. The presentation and discussion are separated so that students can have one week in between for self -paced and individualized assimilation. The corresponding learning assessment emphasizes formative evaluation and takes diversified learning needs into consideration. Results from pilot testing indicate that this new method enhanced students active learning and produced good learning effects. The PAD Class is worthy of further testing and spreading as it may be a classroom teaching method suitable to the conditions of Chinese universities. Key words: Higher Education; PAD Class; University Classroom Teaching; Assimilation; Formative Assessment; Need for Learning


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