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DOI : 10 . 16024 /j . cnki . i ssn1002 -0489 . 1999 . 01. 005 12 1 V ol. 12. N o. 1 1999 2 C HIN ESE SCIEN CE T EC HN O L O G Y T R AN SLA T O RS JO U RN A L Feb. 1999 ·· 黄海翔 (    225300)   。 。 。 、、 。           Abstract The Chinese f oo d is w ell -know n in the w o rld a s one impo r ta nt pa rt of traditional Chinese cul - ture w hich the f o reig n tourist s w ould like ve ry mu ch to sample and enjoy w henev er they visit China. Gen - erally speaking the f o reig n tourist s a lso w ant to m ake sure ho w and w ith w h at ra w m a terial the Chinese f oo d is coo ked w hile they enjoy it . So the Eng lish t ran slation of Chinese m e nu s plays a key ro le in spread - ing the traditional Chinese cultur e. This p ap er at tempt s to ex plain to r eader s th a t ( 1) the dem ands o n the Eng lish tran sla tio n of Ch nese M enus ( 2) how to se t abo ut tr an slating th e Chinese m enu s and ( 3) the m ethods f o r the Eng lish tra nslatio n of Chinese m enu s . key words Chinese m e nu s  Eng lish tran sla tio n  dem a nds  coo king m ethods  cutting skills  m etaphrase  p ara phr ase  expla na tio n    。 。 。 2  。 ( Fo od Bev - ? erage Service) 2. 1  。 。 。 50 1  1 :


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