【精品备课资源包】2015年春高二上学期人教版英语必修5:Unit 1 Section 3课件.ppt

【精品备课资源包】2015年春高二上学期人教版英语必修5:Unit 1 Section 3课件.ppt

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【精品备课资源包】2015年春高二上学期人教版英语必修5:Unit 1 Section 3课件

Ⅰ.下面是本部分的重点词汇,你能准确填出内容吗? 1.用所给单词的适当形式填空 (1)The workers are ________ the bridge damaged by the flood, and the bridge under ________ connects the road with the town.(construct) (2)The famous star has ________ a lot of money to the school and has made a great ________ to the building of the school.(contribute) (3)The girl student has a ________ attitude towards life, and Im ________ that she will have a happy life all her life.(positive) (4)In the dim light, something ________ fast in the distance, whose quick ________ made us shocked.(move) (5)She is ________ about designing beautiful dresses, and she also admires all kinds of beautiful clothes with great ________. (enthusiastic) (6)________, she drove her car to the main road. Because of the crowd, she drove all the way with great _______. (cautious) (7)As soon as his design was ______, he also ______ the idea that he would stay here for his rest life.(reject) (8)It is ______ known that the ______ is vast.(universal) 2.补全下列短语 (1)come ________ an end 结束 (2)apart ________ 除……之外;此外 (3)________ ones own 某人自己的 (4)(be) strict ________ 对……严格的 (5)lead ________ 导致;通向 (6)________ sense 讲得通;有意义 答案:1.(1)constructing;construction (2)contributed;contribution (3)positive;positive (4)moved;movement (5)enthusiastic;enthusiasm (6)Cautiously;caution (7)rejected;rejected (8)universally;universe 2.(1)to (2)from (3)of (4)with (5)to (6)make Ⅱ.重点句式 Only if you put the sun there________the movements of the other planets in the sky________ ________. 只有当你把太阳放在中心位置上,天空中其他行星的运动才能说得清楚。 答案:did;make sense Ⅲ.阅读课文,回答下列问题 1.What did Nicolaus Copernicuss mathematical calculations lead to? ________________________________________________ 2.Why couldnt Nicolaus Copernicus tell others about his discovery? ________________________________________________ 3.When did Nicolaus Copernicus publish his ideas? ________________________________________________ 4.Did the Christian Church support Nicolaus Copernicuss theory? __________________________________


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