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Unit 1 Part A: 1. anthem n.? 圣歌, 赞美诗 I get excited whenever I hear the playing of our national anthem. 每当我听到我们国歌的演奏都很激动。 2 salute v.?行礼,致意,问候 They saluted each other by raising their hats. 他们举起帽子互相致意。 3 constellation n.? 星座, 星群 My constellation is Great Bear. 我的星座是大熊星座。 4 stripe n.?条纹,条纹布,种类,军士军阶 n.?鞭打,抽打 Tigers have orange fur with black stripes. 老虎的皮毛是橘黄色的,带有黑色条纹。 5. fabric n.?结构,织物,构造 vt.?废构筑 This fabric has a tear in it. 这织物上有个破洞。 6 bunting n.?(装饰用)旗帜,旗布,白颊鸟,婴儿睡袋 v. bunt的现在分词形式 7. breadth n.? 宽度 1.We escaped by a hairs breadth. 我们从九死一生的险境中逃出。 2.She is a woman of great breadth of mind. 她是一个胸怀非常广阔的女子。 8. applique n.嵌花,贴花,缝花 adj.嵌花的,贴花的 9. embroidered adj.? 绣花的 Silk handkerchiefs embroidered by hand sell well in the Western market. 手绣的丝制手帕在西方市场销路很好。 10. replica n.? 复制品 I had a replica in little of Independence Hall. 我有一件独立纪念堂的小型复制品。 PareB Stripe: n. an adornment consisting of a strip of a contrasting color or material 条纹 e.g.Which do you want for your new dress, a stripe or a check? 你要哪种料子来做新连衣裙,条子的还是方格的 v.mark with stripes使...带有条纹 I need one without ___, please我需要没有条纹的 A stripe B line C striate D vein scissors: an edge tool having two crossed pivoting blades Eg: Make a nick in the cloth with the scissors. 用剪子在布料上剪个缺口。 sew: fasten by sewing; do needlework Eg: Ill just sew up that tear, and the coat will be as good as new. 我把大衣的破处缝好,就会完好如新了。 Ex: Tack the folds down before you ______ them firmly into place. 先用大针脚将褶子松松地缀住,然后再将其缝纫到位。 run up stitch sew seam surrender:give up;acceptance of despair Eg: It was shameful of them to surrender. 他们投降是可耻的。 Ex: We would rather die than _______. 我们宁死而不投降。 surrender submit yield renounce 5. Half staff a position some distance below the top of a mast to which a flag is lowered in mourning or to signal distress下半旗e.g. Flags, which were at half-staff during the mourning period, fluttered in the wind.在哀悼期间降半旗的国旗在风中飘动。 Following the placement of the wreath, the marines will lower the flag to____ . 在敬献花圈后,美国海军陆战队员将降


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