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政工师高级英语复习题纲 一、词组互译 attend to 专心  To whom it may concern 敬启者 junk mail 垃圾邮件、三等邮件 cc: carbon copy 抄送,转给  contribute to 捐献,贡献 adapt to 适应,使适合 be famous for 以﹍著名  in addition to 除﹍之外,另外  in many ways 在许多方面 be active in 积极参与(某活动)  from time to time 时不时,时常  turn right 向右转 be in charge of 负责某事  socialize with 交际,交往  at the beginning of 在﹍开始的时候(be) filled with 充满  leave someone alone 不打扰,不干涉某人  be traced back 追溯到 interact with 与﹍相互接触,相互影响  shout out (突然)大声呼喊  benefit from 从﹍得益 take the place of 取代,代替  look forward to盼望,期待  be good at 善于,擅长 as far as ﹍concerned 至于,关于 marital status 婚姻状况 prepare for 为﹍作准备 make an impression on 给﹍留下印象  make effort with 在﹍上努力 differ from 与﹍相异,与﹍不同  make it 成功,达到,开始,前进 二、翻译句子 1.Would you please give me some information on your new products for our advertising program? 您能给我一些贵公司新产品的相关资料来作为我们广告策划的依据吗? 2.I can give you some information, and I’ll send it to you by E-mail. 我可以给你一些资料,我将用电子邮件把它传送给你。 3.The line seems to be mixed up.  好像是串线了。 4.How much is the service charge?  服务费是多少? 5.I’ll put the order in today.  我今天就为你订。 6.I’d greatly appreciate it if you do this immediately.  如果您能马上这样做,我将不胜感激。 7.We regret to inform you that the goods forwarded to us are in an unsatisfactory state. 我们十分遗憾地通知您,贵方运送给我们的货物令人不满。 8.Well, we will send someone to fix it up immediately.  我们将立即派人去维修。 9.We will try our best to provide you with the best service.   我们将尽最大的努力为您提供最好的服务。 10.What should I prepare for the tour?  我应该为旅行准备什么呢? 11.How long will your trip be?  你打算旅行多长时间? 12.This is one of the most beautiful scenic spots.  这是最美丽的风景之一。 13.Chris was always a great help to me at college.  克里斯在大学期间一直是我的得力助手。 14.I know he will measure up to your expectations.  我知道他能够符合您的期望。 15.He earned the confidence of all her customers.  他赢得了所有客户的信赖。 三、选择 1. There are sheep. 2. Are those factories? 3. There are two pianos in his room. 4. I am your student. You are my teacher. 5. Both of them have a jacket, but his is green. Hers is red. 6. Her voice is very sweet, but his is ho


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