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第3 卷 第2 期 西安欧亚学院学报 Vol. 3 No. 2 2005 4 月 Journal of XiÄan Eurasia U niversity Apr. 2005 ) ) ) 对中国传媒大学董事会发展的 个案研究 秦学智 ( , 100024) : 叙述了中国传媒大学首届董事会成立的基本情况, 论述了董事会 10 来在积极稳妥地发 展董事单位, 筹集和使用董事会基金, 审议咨询帮助和指导学校工作, 加强董事单位和学校合 作关系, 向国内宣传学校成就扩大学校影响加强国际合作和交流等方面所做的工作和取得的 成就分析了董事会工作的不足, 并提出了相应的对策和建议 : 高校董事会; 发展; 对策和建议 : G647. 1 :A : @ @ @ @O@ @ @ @ ( 2005) 02O0019O04 Thoughts on the development of university directorate: research into a particular case in the development of the directorate at Communication University of China QIN XueOzhi ( Research Institute of Hi her Education, Communication University of China, Beijin 100024, China) Abstract:T he author of this paper relates the circumstance under which the first directorate of Communication University of China w as established and also expounds the achievements and the w ork that the university directorate has done over the past ten years in the active and steady develop- ment of the directorate unit, in the collection and use of directorate funds, in the deliberation and consultation, in helpin and directin university w ork, in stren thenin the cooperation betw een d-i rectorate unit and the university itself , in publicizin university achievements across China, in the en- hancement of university reputation as well as in the au mentation of international cooperation and ex- chan e. M eanw hile, the author analyses the deficiencies in the w ork of the directorate and puts for- w ard some countermeasures and su estions. Key ords:university directorate; development; countermeasure and su estion , ) 1994 7


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