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CSP Devices Replacing Procedure CSP Replacing更换CSP • 1)CSP device is not reworkable. Once CSP on board is proved to fail, that unit must be replaced by a new unit. • CSP封装器件不可以重新植球. 焊到板上后一旦发 现器件失效, 必须用新料更换. • 2)Failed CSP Removal: To desolder the failed CSP unit, it could be done in either BGA rework station or by manually to use a hot air gun. • 将失效的CSP器件从板子上焊下来, 可以在BGA 重工台上操作, 或用热风枪操作. CSP Replacing更换CSP • 3)If the replaced unit is for FA, metal tweezers are not allowed to directly pick off the unit. The metal tweezers tips must wrapped by high temperature tape, to avoid the unit to be physically damaged. High temperature plastic tweezers or bamboo tweezers are recommended to be used for CSP pick up. • 如果要焊下来的器件是要做失效分析的, 千万不能 用金属镊子直接夹取CSP, 这样会容易造成CSP损 件, 导致无法做失效分析.推荐使用耐高温塑料镊 子或竹子镊子. 或在金属镊子的尖上缠上高温胶带. CSP Replacing更换CSP • 4)After the failed CSP is removed, use solder iron to clean the PCB pads. A bit solder paste remains on pads help get better solderability. Solder-wick is not recommended to use. Solder- wick will absorb all the solder, no good for solderability. • 失效的CSP焊掉后, 用电烙铁将焊盘清理拓平. 注 意焊盘间不允许有连锡. 少许残留焊锡有利于焊接. 不建议用吸锡丝.吸锡丝会把焊锡吸干净, 不利于 焊接. CSP Replacing更换CSP • 5)Use a brush to apply a bit of flux paste on the cleaned pads. No need to print solder paste. • 用毛笔或刷子蘸一点松香膏, 在PCB焊盘上抹上薄 薄的一层松香膏,不用太多. 不需要印焊锡膏在焊 盘上面. • 6)Use non-metal tweezers to pick one fresh CSP and mount it onto PCB, make sure the unit is in correct orientation and well aligned. • 用非金属镊子取一粒新的CSP, 放到PCB位置上, 注意要对好位置和器件的正确方向. CSP Replacing更换CSP • 7)The next step is to solder the CSP unit. This can be done either on BGA rework station or manually by hot air gun. Normally customers define which way to solder CSP. Some customers specify to use only BGA rework station to sol


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