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航空电源航空科技重点实验室学术年会(APSC’2006)论文集 Buck 类变换器的输入阻抗的研究 吴涛, 阮新波 (南京航空航天大学,江苏省 南京市 210016) Input Impedance Analysis of Buck-derived converters WU Tao, RUAN Xin-bo (Nanjing University of Aeronautics Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, Jiangsu Province, China) ABSTRACT: It is preferable that large-scale distributed 入阻抗的标准,通过实验揭示了同步整流 Buck 变换 power systems can be built via system integration 器的输入阻抗随功率等级、开关频率和控制方式变化 approach. US Navy’s contribution to system integration 时的规律。 is that they propose and implement PEBB concept at the 关键词:输入/输出阻抗;分布式供电系统;负载变 modular level. This paper presents a novel concept for 换器;稳定性分析;标准化 the system integration at the system level, which is to 1 引言 select the output impedance of the source converter and 分布式供电系统具有可靠性高、易于实 the input impedance of the load converter as objects of 现模块化和便于维护等优点,已经在计算机 standardization. For facilitate issuing the input 供电系统、舰船供电系统和航空电源供电系 impedance of buck-type dc-dc converters in the future, 统中得到广泛应用[1] 。在分布式供电系统中, the characteristics of the input impedance of the 最常见的结构是多个功率变换模块的级联。 synchronous buck converter are modeled and analyzed 图 1 给出了中间母线为直流的分布式供电系 in detail. The influence of three factors including the 统的结构图,可以看到,该系统中多个 DC-DC output power rating, the switching frequency and the 模块连接在直流母线上,母线前端的功率变 control-mode on the input impedance are verified by 换模块通常称为源变换器,其作用是将系统 experimental result


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