北师大版高中英语必修三 Module 3 Unit 9 Wheels 单元同步测试题.doc

北师大版高中英语必修三 Module 3 Unit 9 Wheels 单元同步测试题.doc

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北师大版高中英语必修三 Module 3 Unit 9 Wheels 单元同步测试题

Module 3 Unit 9 Wheels 综合训练 Ⅰ.品句填词 1.Our town doesn’t b________from the papermaking factory.Instead,it is seriously polluted. 2.Our house is very c________ for our school.Therefore,we go to school on foot. 3.If you become a________to drugs,your wife shall leave you. 4.She must be s________ to cold,for she is wearing so heavy clothes in early winter. 5.The farmer is repairing his house,for it was________(损坏)by the hurricane yesterday. 6.The enemy have________(占领)the island,and we will wait for an opportunity to attack them. 7.This is the most________(可靠的,可信赖的)news,so we shouldn’t doubt it. 8.In________(结果,由于)of your bad work,I am forced to dismiss you. 答案:1.benefit 2.convenient 3.addicted 4.sensitive 5.damaged 6.occupied  7.reliable 8.consequence Ⅱ.短语识境 work out;check in;thanks to;rely on;be likely to;pull up;give up;compare to;be addicted to;carry on 1.Never________!You will be successful one day. 2.I have spent one hour on the problem,but I still can’t________it________. 3.________your help,I finished the work on time. 4.He ________the computer games that he can stay before the screen for days without sleep. 5.Today is Sunday,so he________go to play basketball with his friends. 6.When the traffic lights are red,the cars must________. 7.Nowadays more and more children________their parents,for they are the only child in the family. 8.People often ________children ________the flowers of the country. 答案:1.give up 2.work;out 3.Thanks to 4.is addicted to 5.is likely to 6.pull up  7.rely on 8.compare;to Ⅲ.单项填空 1.Michael Jackson,________incomparable figure in music,dance and culture was announced dead by doctors on ________ afternoon of June 25,2009. A.an;the B.a;the C.an;/ D.the;the 解析:迈克尔?杰克逊,一个在音乐、舞蹈和文化方面无与伦比的人物,故第一个空填 an;在具体的某一天的下午要用定冠词the。 答案:A 2.On July 4,2009,a sixtyyearold man in Missouri managed to climb out of the car in the accident,________unhurt. A.regularly B.apparently C.extremely


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