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21世纪大学英语读写教程第一册 Unit 1 Text A Reading Aloud: How do A students like these do it? Brains arent the only answer. The most gifted students do not necessarily perform best in exams. Knowing how to make the most of ones abilities counts for much more.? Hard work isnt the whole story either. Some of these high-achieving students actually put in fewer hours than their lower-scoring classmates. The students at the top of the class get there by mastering a few basic techniques that others can easily learn. Here, according to education experts and students themselves, are the secrets of A students.? Translation: 像他们这样的优等生是如何做到这一点的呢?脑子好使并不是唯一的答案。最有天赋的学生未必在考试中取得最好的成绩。懂得如何充分利用自己的才能要重要得多。 学习刻苦也不能说明全部问题。在这些成绩优秀的学生中,有些人投入的时间其实比那些分数低的同学还少。班级中拔尖学生的成功之道在于他们掌握了一些基本的技巧,这些技巧其他人也能很容易地学到。根据教育专家和学生们自己的叙述,优等生成功的奥秘有以下几点。 Unit Text A Reading Aloud: This explains why it can be so difficult to get a western-style discussion going with Japanese students of English. Whenever I serve a volleyball, everyone just stands back and watches it fall. No one hits it back. Everyone waits until I call on someone to take a turn. And when that person speaks, he doesnt hit my ball back. He serves a new ball. Again, everyone just watches it fall. So I call on someone else. This person does not refer to what the previous speaker has said. He also serves a new ball. Everyone begins again from the same starting line, and all the balls run parallel. There is never any back and forth. Translation: 这也可以解释,为什么几乎无法让学英语的日本学生展开西方式的谈话或讨论。每次我发出个排球,人人都只是站在一段距离之外,看着它落下来,没有人把它打回去。人人都等在原处,直到我指名叫某人上场。而那人开口时,他并不把我发过去的球打回来。他重新发球。人人都再次看着它落地。于是我再叫另一个人,而这个人并不提及上一个发言者所讲的内容,而是又重新发球。人人都在同一发球线上重新开始,并且所有球都是平行向前的。从来没有一来一往的回合。 Unit 3 Text A Reading Aloud: Blind and black and poor — what kind of life could this new infant have? In her wildest dreams, Mrs. Morris could never have imagined that her new baby would become a famous musician called Stevie Wonder. At the time, all she could do was pray — and worry.? Stevie himself didnt worry at a


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