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 2011, 20(1):114-118 Acta A g ricu lturae B orea li-occid en ta lis S in ica * 贾美丽, 王 飞, 贾爱平, 郑丽娜 (,  712100)  :, 、 。 , 。, 0.05%, 15 h , 45.6%;0.05%, 15 d , 21.1%。 , , , , , , 2n=2x=18, 2n=4x=36, , 。 :;;; :S682.2     :A      :1004-1389(2011)01-0114-05 Colchicines Induced Polyploid Plants of Muscari armeniacum JIA Meili,WANG Fei,JIA Aiping and ZH NG Lina (College of Horticulture, Northwest A F University , Yangling Shaanxi 712100 , China) Abstract:The effect of colchicine concentration on chromosome reduplication of M uscar i armeni acum was compared and time duration under the condition of vitro cultivation.The chromosome reduplica- tion of M uscar i armen i acum was induced with mixed and soaked colchicine, and chromosome number were identified by conventional chromosome pellet.For the treatment of soaked colchicines, the best induction effect was obtained under the condition of concentration 0.05%and time duration 15 h, in- duction rate reached to 45.6%.For the mixed colchicines, the highest induction rate was 21.1%un- der the condition of concentration 0.05%and time duration 15 d.Compared with the normal diploid plants and the colchicines-induced plants, the colchicines-induced plants had thicker and larger leaves, darker leaf color, larger bulbs, larger stomata and fewer stomata number per unit area.Cytological observation confirmed that chromosome number of tetraploids was 2n =4x =36, however, chromo- some number of diploids was 2n=2x =18, and a few mosaicwere found. Key words:M uscar i armeni acum ;Colchicine;Polyploid;Chromosome [1]   (M uscar i )、


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