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外贸英语函电 English Business Correspondence Lecturer:Jia Yongqing TELE: ************ * * 第一课 Business Letter-Wring 商业书信的撰写 一、商业书信撰写的注意事项:三“C”原则 a、清楚(clearness) b、简洁(conciseness) c、礼貌(courtesy) 1、”清楚“原则 :(clearness) 1)avoid using the words which have different understanding or unclear meaning. e.g. As to the steamers sailing from Hong Kong to San Francisco, we have bimonthly direct services. bimonthly; twice a month, once two months 改成:We have two direct sailing every month from Hong Kong to San Francisco. 2)注意句子结构 e.g. a. We sent you 5 samples yesterday of the goods which you requested in your letter of May 25 by air. b. We sent you ,by air, 5 samples of the goods which you requested in your letter of May 25 yesterday. 2、“简洁”原则:(conciseness) 尽量避免罗索(avoid wordiness) enclosed herewith enclosed at this time now due to the fact that because a draft in the amount of $1,000 a draft for $1,000 Please don’t hesitate to call upon us. Please write us. Please see that an enquiry is conducted to determine the reason. Please find out the reason. 尽量用短语少用长句(一般20-25字) 多用简单句少用复合句(见书) 3、“礼貌”原则:(courtesy) 不只是客气,应该“put yourself in your reader’s shoes”, 考虑对方的立场(You-attitude rather than We-attitude),考虑对方的要求、需求、感受,并及时回复 ①We-attitude ②You-attitude ① We allow 2 percent discount for cash payment. ② You earn 2 percent discount. ①We won’t be able to send you the brochure this month. ② We will send you the brochure next month . ① We feel sur that you will be entirely satisfied. ② We do not believe you will have cause for dissatifaction. 二、The Structure and Layout of a Business Letter 商业信件的结构与格式 一般英语商业书信从结构上可分为: (一)信头、(二)日期 、(三)封内地址、(四)称呼、 (五)事由、(六)信的正文、(七)结尾语、(八)结尾礼词 (九)签名(十)附件 (十一)其他(辨认代号、副本抄送、附启) (一)信头(Letter Head) : 信头一般都是事先就印好的,它表示发信人公司行号名称及地址,使收信人一看就


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