【2017年整理】深港朗文版6年级unit 1.ppt

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【2017年整理】深港朗文版6年级unit 1

Unit1 A Healthy Body;Period 1 Part A ;Free Talk;short;light;148cm;strong;fast;Questions;Ben; Cindy;people;Homework;Period2 Part B1,B2 b3 ;Name;Listen to B1 and Anawer;Last year… Pat was taller / shorter. Tim was lighter / slower. Bob was shorter/stronger. Candy was weaker/ heavier.;形容词比较级变化规则;3.以“辅音字母+y”结尾的形容词, 把y改为i,加 er; ;Name;Pat: The test is fun today. I’m ________ than Kim now. Tim: Good for you. I’m _______ than John and Peter this year. Pat: Kim is doing well, too. She’s ________ than me now.;Pat: The test is fun today. I’m ________ than Kim now. Tim: Good for you. I’m _______ than John and Peter this year. Pat: Kim is doing well, too. She’s ________ than me now.;Holly is faster than Lynn. ______ Lynn is taller than Dave. ______ Dave is shorter than Kevin. ______ Dave is stronger than Kevin. ______ Holly is louder than Lynn. ______; Bob is watching weather report in different places on TV. ;Homework;Period3 Part C D ;Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd.;Period3 Part C D ;Free Talk;When: ______________ Weather: ____________ Who:________________ What happen:______________ Result:___________;QUESTIONS;1 What was the weather like yesterday? 2. When did the race begin? 3. In the afternoon, how did Helay feel? What did she do then? ;QUESTIONS;past tense(过去式);past tense(过去式);At first: Helay: _________ Ted: __________ On the way: Helay:__________ Ted:___________ At last: ______ won the race;Guess the result; What do you think of Ted and Haley? What can we learn from this story?;Discuss;Homework;Period 4 Part E F;Free Talk;Phonics;Phonics;Phonics;cakes, pens, faces, radios, boxes, jumps, bags, pears, cooks, matches, buses;Listen and Say the Rhyme;/ s /;tall short light heavy strong weak fast slow;What are they doing?;Ask and Answer;Andrew is ______________ than Alex.;Alex is _


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