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Test of Unit 1 I. Translate the following words into English or Chinese 1. 生物技术 biotech 2. 转基因食品 GM food 3. 维生素 vitamin 4. 区域试验 regional test 5. 抗病作物 disease resistant crops 6. gene-implantation technology基因植入技术 7. labeling laws and regulations 标签法和法规 8. bar code 条形码 9. produce 农产品 10. animal feed 动物饲料 II. Translate the following sentences into Chinese 1. Critics fear that what they call “Frankenstein foods” could have unseen adverse health effects on consumers, producing toxic proteins or transferring antibiotic-resistance and other genes to human gut bacteria. But there has been little evidence to back up such risks so far. 评论家害怕他们所谓的转基因食物可能会对消费者的健康带来无法预料的不利的影响,产生毒蛋白或者会把耐抗生素基因和其他一些基因转移到人的肠道细菌。但至今没有证据支持上述风险。 2. The human race has methodically improved crop plants through selective breeding for many thousands of years, but genetic engineering allows that time-consuming process to be accelerated and exotic traits from unrelated species to be introduced. But not everyone agrees this represents progress. 通过数千年的选育,人类逐渐地改良了农作物,基因工程允许这一耗时的过程被大大加快和不相关的异元特性被引入。但不是每个人都同意这代表这进步。 Test of Unit 2 Unit 3 I. Translate the following words or expression s into English or Chinese. 1. 生命自我保障生态系统self-supporting ecosystem 2. 自然资源的可持续利用3. 对食物、淡水、木材及燃料的需求 demand for food, fresh water, timber and fuel 4. 食物链 food chain 5. 水质 water quality 6. photosynthesis 光合作用 7. contamination 污染 8. genetic diversity 基因多样性 9. environmental degradation 环境退化 10. molecular technique 分子技术 II. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1. The quest for scientific truth is conducted in a minefield of opinions and accusations of vested interests. Clearly this was not solely a technical debate. 对于科学真相的寻求是在既得利益集团的观点和控诉的雷区中进行的,显然这不仅仅是一场技术的争辩。 2. Agribiotech companies have largely saturated the North American market and face a bleak future in Europe thanks to consumer opposition and the imminent introduction of strict labeling for GM food. 农业生物技术行业领域在北美市场


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