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摘 要 在总结国内外海水入侵概念的基础上,给出了其相对完整的定义描述,即:在自然或人为因素的影响下,使滨海地带含水层的水动力条件发生了改变,淡水与海水之间的平衡状态发生了变化,导致海水与淡水有直接水力联系的高矿化度的地下水沿含水层向内陆方向侵入,咸淡水界面不断向陆地推进,使地下淡水资源不断遭受破坏的过程与现象。 详细分析了崂山区海水入侵的基本特征及分布、海水入侵形态、海水入侵的进程及趋势、海水入侵的成因及所造成的危害等。分析表明崂山区海水入侵形态基本有以下三种方式:面状侵入、线状侵入、溶洞状侵入。海水入侵的趋势为:海水入侵面积有小→大→小→大的变化规律。海水入侵的成因是具有了水动力条件和水文地质条件,而人为的改变地下水动力条件是发生海水入侵的主要原因。海水入侵给工农业生产及人民生活均造成了较大的影响,制约崂山区经济发展。 对典型区域采用人工神经网络模型法建立了地下水可开采量的计算模型。其中,由两个输入单元对应于甘井子区地下水开采量和降水量,七个中间隐含单元和两个输出单元对应地下水中C1一浓度和海水入侵面积组成的三层网络模型,计算出地下水可开采量,只要保证该区实际开采量小于地下水可开采量,即可有效地控制海水入侵。 根据崂山区特有的地质、水文地质条件及地下水开发利用程度的不同,提出了防止海水入侵,实现地下水系统的良性运行的策略,并给出了因地制宜的海水入侵防治措施等。 关键词:崂山、海水入侵、入侵危害、防治措施 Abstract Based on summarizing the concepts of seawater intrusion in and abroad, gives the definition of relatively complete description, namely: in the natural or man-made factors, changed the hydrodynamic conditions make the coastal zone of the aquifer, changed the balance between freshwater and seawater, resulting in high salinity seawater direct hydraulic connection and the fresh water aquifer groundwater along inland invasion, the interface of salt and fresh water continue to promote land, processes and phenomena that underground freshwater resources continue to suffer damage. A detailed analysis of the Laoshan area of seawater intrusion and the basic characteristics of the distribution, morphology, seawater intrusion of seawater intrusion process and trend of seawater intrusion, the cause of formation and harm. Analysis shows that the morphology of seawater intrusion in Laoshan area, there are three basic ways: area-form intrusion, intrusion, intrusion of cave shape line. Seawater intrusion trend: seawater intrusion area changes the small to big to small to large: the cause of formation of seawater intrusion is the hydrodynamic conditions and hydrogeological conditions, and hydrodynamic conditions of groundwater artificial change was the main reason for the occurrence of seawater intrusion. Seawater intrusion has caused great influence to t


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