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* Unit 3 The world of colours and light 教材背景链接 名言佳句 When one loves art,no service seems too hard. -O.Henry,American novelist 一旦热爱艺术,什么奉献也不难。 ——美国小说家 欧·亨利 Life is painting a picture,not doing a sum. -O.W.Holmes 生活是绘画,不是做算术。 ——霍姆斯 Art is the mold of feeling as language is the mold of thought. -Susanne Langer,American philosopher 艺术是感情的模制品,犹如语言是思想的模制品。 ——美国哲学家 兰格·S Room for Revolution:George Washington and His Philadelphia Friends 类文欣赏 March 16th,2009~August 30th,2009 Charles Willson Peale’s George Washington at Princeton is on view at the museum   which was lent from a private collection.This visually striking and finely made life-size portrait (肖像) records Washington’s 6-foot-2-inch figure in a pose highlighting strength,composure, and elegance.It is put up in a room neighboring to the Powel House parlor(会客室),a period room from one of Philadelphia’s greatest eighteenth-century private homes, where Washington was frequently entertained by his friends, Samuel and Elizabeth Powel.Both spaces contain important examples of furniture by Philadelphia’s finest craftsmen,such as Thomas Afflect and John Aitken. Among these is a side chair specially ordered by the Washingtons when living in Philadelphia. Painted in Philadelphia in 1779,Peale’s painting was immediately sent to Europe to promote Washington’s reputation as a leader and the cause of the American Revolution, then in progress.Later,during Europe’s Napoleonic Wars,a Spanish duke with strong sympathies with American Revolution owned the picture.At that time he added the complicated carved caption to it, which describes Washington as “a liberator of his country who abandoned absolute power”. Curators:American Art Department Staff,website commentary by Carol Soltis Location:Galleries 286 and 287,second floor Read the passage and then answer the following questions. 1.This passage is mainly about________. A.the cause of the American Revolution       B B.the informatio


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