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1 . 使不安 v. 2 .忽视 vt. 3.涉及,关心 vt. 4. 安家;定居; 解决v. 5 .遭受,忍受,经历v. 6. 痊愈;恢复;重新获得 v. 曾经有段时间我和小东相处得很好。我们互相关心。当一个人不安时,另一个人想法设法安慰他。我们同甘共苦。但之后他爱上了一位女孩,这占了他如此多的时间以致他的成绩越来越差。于是在一次测试中他要抄我的答案。我拒绝了他并告诉他在考试作弊是不诚实的行为。那是我第一次无视他的请求,他如此生气以致自以后他总是有意刁难我。我不知道是否是因为爱,他变化如此之大。我们本来可以是好朋友的。 There was a time when I was getting along well with Xiaodong. We were concerned about each other. When one felt upset, the other would try to calm him down. We shared troubles and joys. But then he fell in love with girl , which took him so much time that he was worse and worse at study. Then in one exam, he wanted to copy my answer, I refused and told him it was dishonest to cheat in the exam. It was the first time that I had ignored his request. So angry did he get that he has always put me to a lot of trouble on purpose since then. I wonder if it was because of love that he changed so much. We could have been friends. * 一、学习目标: 1.知识目标:能辨认和识记本单元重点词汇 2.能力目标: 能运用重点词汇进行写作。 Proverbs about friends A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情 True friendship lasts forever 真正的友谊地久天长。 A life without a friend is a life without a sun 人生没有朋友,犹如人生没有太阳。 loose , German , dusty , exactly, swap, tip , a series of , at dusk, suffer great losses, be ignorant of, be upset about, settle problems, add up to , share troubles and joys, add up the scores, go through hardship 1. upset 2. ignore 3. concern 4. settle 5. suffer 6 recover 7.十几岁的青少年 n 8. 能力,力量 n. 9.忠告,建议 n 10.目的 n. 11. 不同意vi 12. 平静的 13. 感激的 7. teenager 8. power 9. advice 10. purpose 11. disagree 12. calm 13 grateful 1.entire adj. ? adv. _______ 3.concern v.?adj. _________ n. _______ 3.recover v. ?n. _______ 4.power n. ? adj. _______ 5.ignore v. ? adj. ________ ? n.______ 6.agree v. ? 反义词 _______ n. ________ entirely concerned con


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