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CONTINENTS AND REGIONS Africa 非洲 Asia 亚洲 Australia 澳洲 Europe 欧洲 North America 北美洲 South America 南美洲 The Arctic 北极 The Mediterranean 地中海An ant wanted to travel around the world. He started from Asia and went to Europe at first. Then he went south to the Africa and then Australia. After that he crossed the sea and got to the South America and then went north to North America. At last he went to the Arctic. He was very proud of himself and wanted to tell everybody about his travel. He thought he had traveled around the world. But in fact it was just a map. COUNTRIES Argentina 阿根廷 Austria 奥地利 Brazil 巴西 Canada 加拿大 Denmark 丹麦 Ecuador 厄瓜多尔 Egypt 埃及 France 法国 Germany 德国 Greece 希腊 India 印度 Italy 意大利 Japan 日本 Kenya 肯尼亚 Korea 韩国 Mexico 墨西哥 Morocco 摩洛哥 Norway 挪威 Poland 波兰 Portugal 葡萄牙 Russia 俄罗斯 Spain 西班牙 Sweden 瑞典 Switzerland 瑞士 Thailand 泰国 The Netherlands 荷兰 The USA 美国 Turkey 土耳其Match: Brazil 巴西Europe Canada 加拿大Egypt 埃及France 法国Germany 德国 India 印度 Japan 日本Korea 韩国 Mexico 墨西哥 Spain 西班牙LANGUAGES/NATIONALITIES American美国人(的) Arabic 阿拉伯语,阿拉伯人的 Canadian 加拿大的,加拿大人的 Danish 丹麦的,丹麦人的,丹麦语的 English French 法语,法国人的 German 德国人日耳曼人;德语日耳曼语 Italian意大利人的意大利语的 Japanese 日本人;日本语 Polish 波兰(人)的;波兰语的 Portuguese葡萄牙语葡萄牙的 Russian俄罗斯的俄国的;俄国人的;俄语的 Spanish西班牙语;西班牙人 Swedish瑞典的瑞典人语的 Swiss瑞士的瑞士人的瑞士语的 An American, a Canadian, an English and a French was traveling in Spain. They came across a band of gangs. The gangs said they would beat everyone on their backs, but each one of them can ask for something before they were beaten. The French asked for a bottle of one. He drank it and then he was beaten heavily. The English asked for a cigar. He smoked it and then he was beaten heavily. The Canadian asked for a thick jacket. He put it on and felt less painful. At last it turned to the American. “I asked for a Canadian. And I want to put him on my back.” GEOGRAPHY NOUNS Nouns bay 海湾湾 border 边界界限 capital 首都省会 cliff 悬崖 coast 海岸 desert 沙漠 farmland 农田 forest 森林 island mountain 山丘高山山脉 ocean 海洋 population


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