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Module 8 同步教案(外研版九年级上) 一、学习目标: 知识目标:能正确使用Module 8 中的单词和短语; 能力目标:能够运用定语从句描述图片信息,掌握介绍信息的技巧。 情感目标:通过摄影作品培养审美意识,培养对他人的欣赏态度。二、重点、难点: 重点: 1. 应用本模块交际用语,如:You bet! How did you get on? 等。 2. 掌握下列短语on the left/ right, pick up, even though, in with a chance 的用法; 3. 能掌握which, who引导的定语从句。 难点: 1. get on with sb. 和 get on with sth.的区别; 2. manage to do sth.和try to do sth.的辨析; 3. which, who引导的定语从句。 三、知能提升: (一)重点单词 1. trouble 【用法1】n. 麻烦的事,烦扰 (不可数名词) 【例句】The trouble is there aren’t any trains at that time. 常用短语:be in trouble 有困难,有麻烦,陷入困境 【例句】If you are in trouble, you can ask the police for help. 【用法2】v. 麻烦 【例句】I’m sorry to trouble you, but can you tell me the time? 2. expect 【用法】v. 盼望 expect是出于有把握,有信心的一种“期望”,往往含有“等待发生”之意,比hope更强烈,后跟动词不定式或宾语从句,常用短语有:expect to do sth. “料到会发生什么事情”或“期待做某事”,expect sb. to do sth. “期待某人做某事” 【例句】I expect to be back on time. I expect you to be punctual(守时). I expect that he’ll be here in a minute. 3. congratulation 【用法】n. (常复)祝贺 常用短语:congratulations to sb. (on sth. ) (因某事)向某人表示祝贺 【例句】Congratulations to you on winning first prize. 祝贺你获得一等奖。 【考查点】情景运用。 【易错点】不理解语境以及congratulation的拼写有误。 (二)重点短语 [短语学习] 1. on the left/ right 【用法】在左边/右边 on one’s left/right = on the left/right of sb. 在某人的左边/右边 【例句】I sit on Tom’s left. = I sit on the left of Tom. 2. pick up 【用法1】“捡起,拾起”(up 是副词,后接代词时,代词须放在up前) 【例句】She saw a watch on the ground and picked it up. 【用法2】“接” 【例句】My father will pick me up at the school gate after school. 3. even though 【用法】“即使,尽管”(引导让步状语从句) 【例句】Even though air can’t be seen, it takes up space. 空气虽然看不见,但它占据了空间。 4. in with a chance 【用法】“有……的可能,有机会” 若表达“有可能/机会做某事”,则用be in with a chance to do sth. 【例句】I think I am in with a chance to pass this test. 5. manage to do sth. 【用法】“设法完成某事” 【考查点】manage to do sth.和try to do sth.的辨析。 辨析:manage to do sth.和try to do sth.: manage to do sth:意为“设法做某事并完成”,表示经过努力达到目的,强调结果。 如:We managed to finish the work ahead of time. 我们设法提前完成了任务。 try to do sth.:表示“尽力去做某事”,表示一种企图或决心,不包含是否成功的意思。 如:He tried to pass the exam, but f


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