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Unit 10 I have had this bike for three years. Section A 1a-2d 一、学习目标:继续学习现在完成时的用法。 能力目标: 掌握如何表达现在完成时 重点词语: 新单词和短语。 重点句子: How long have you had that bike over there? I have had it for three years ! 难 点:学习现在完成时表示过去某一段时间已经开始一直持续到现在的动作或者状态。 二、预习导学 1.根据音标学习新单词,并记住中文意思。 2.跟小组长读重点单词短语,并结对抽说中文意思。 3.小组讨论1a和2d. 三、自学检测 用所给 词的适当形式填空: 1.I_______ already??________(see) the film. I??______(see) it ?last week. 2. “_______? he??________?(finish) his work today?” “Not yet.” 3. My father_______?just______(come) back from wor k. He is tired now. 4. “Where’s Li Ming?” “He?________(go) to the teacher’s office.” 5. Shanghai?_______(be) a small towm hundreds of years ago. Now it?_______(become) a large city. 6 .I?_______(work) here here since I?_____(move) ?here in 1993. 7. So far I?______??(make) quiet a few friends here. 8. How long?______ the Wang’s?__________( stay) here 四、合作探究,课堂练习 1.?—— I can sing the song in English.? ——_________. A. So I can? ?B. So can I?? C. I can so?? D. Too can I 2.???-- Why don’t you buy one of the scarves for your mum?? --They are not _______. A. beautiful enough? B. enough beautiful ?C. too beautiful? D. beautifully enough[来源:Zxxk.Com] 3.??The food in the restaurant is good______ the price is too______. A. and?high?? B. but?? high?? C. but?expensive? D. because? low 4.??I think a dog is a good pet for ________ child. A. a 6-year-old? ?B. an 6-year-old? ?C. a 6-year old? ?D. a 6 years-old 5.?Everyone should do _____best to win the match.? A. one’s? ?B. the? C. his?? D. their 6. —Where is Bruce?? Is he at home?—I think he _____ school. A .has gone? ???? B. has been? ?C. has gone to ???? D. has been to 7.—I have never been to European countries. What about you?? —_____. A. So do I? ????B. So have I? ? C. Neither do I? ?D. Neither have I 8. Yesterday he _____ to work, so he wasn’t late. A. by taxi?? B. by a taxi?????? C. take a taxi?? D. took a taxi 9.—How long have you studied English?? —_____. A. For 5 years??? B.5 years ago????


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