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sit by v. see …passing by surprise vt. surprised adj. surprising adj. alone= on one’s own =by oneself go through/across Tom was in wonderland! I went to Yangzhou on a sunny Saturday last month with my sister. I visited Daming Temple and I _____________(坐在河边)and enjoyed the beautiful view. On that day, I went cycling around the park. I saw two monks(和尚) __________(walk, walking)by . I also heard the monks ________ (sing, singing)a spcial song for visitors at that time and telling the visitors about their future. Try to ask a monk about the future! Then we wanted to find a monk so we ran ________( across, through) the bridge and went to the monks’. However, the temple was so big that we ________________(发现只剩我们) after going ________( across, through) some doors . Then we saw an old wooden house, but the door was locked,and we didn’t have ________________(门的钥匙), so we couldn’t see what was inside. Suddenly, we saw a monk and he showed us around the temple. Life is full of clourful things. Let’s learn to imagine(想象) the bright future. Read thousands of books (读万卷书) Travle thousands of miles. (行万里路) Welcome to Nanjing! * Unit 6 Reading Ⅱ Down the rabbit hole What’s the story about? Alice A rabbit ? She looked up and saw ___________________________ What Alice sat ___________________ Where When One sunny day by the river a white rabbit passing by I often go to school by bike. By the way, what’s the time? Please answer my question one by one. 我的英语老师正坐在门边上。 My English teacher is ________ the door. 她刚才经过我的教室。 She just ___________ my classroom. by ( sit by…) ( pass by) sitting by passed by She looked up and saw ___________________________ What Alice sat ___________________ Where When One Sunday day by the river a white rabbit passing by When did the rabbit pass by? a. Alice looked up, then the rabbit passed by. b. Alice looked up and


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