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牛津小学英语6B期中阶段性检测 (Unit1-5) 得分__________ 听力部分 (25分) 一、听录音,选出你听到的那个选项(听两遍)(8分) ( ) 1. A older B shorter C smaller D heavier ( ) 2. A. with B. winter C. weather D. winner ( ) 3. A how B here C high D hair ( ) 4. A strong B school C street D slower ( ) 5. A run faster B jump higher C swim slower D skate better ( ) 6. A. pick apples B. pick oranges C. pick pears D pick peaches ( ) 7. A a shopping centre B a history museum C a primary school D a train station ( ) 8. A How many stops are there? B How far is it from here? C How many cows can you see? D How far can he jump? 二、听录音,根据听到的问句,选择正确的应答(听两遍)(7分) ( ) 1. A.I like running best. B. I like autumn best C.I like red best. ( ) 2. A Helen is. B Helen does. C Helen do. ( ) 3. A Yes, they do. B Yes, they sing. C Yes, they are. ( )4. A It’s over there. B This way, please. C About three kilometres away. ( ) 5. A Yes, you can. B You can take bus No.5. C No, I can’t. ( ) 6. A Yes, they are. B Yes, they can. C Yes, they do. ( ) 7. A. It’s often cool. B. It’s always hot. C. Autumn is the best season. 三、听录音,根据听到的短文内容,填入所缺单词(听三遍)(10分) On _________ morning, Su Hai and Su Yang are __________the zoo with __________parents. Look, they’re _________ the animal show. Su Hai ____________monkeys. The monkeys are playing _________the balls. Su Yang likes the bears __________ _________the monkeys. The bears are _________and ___________than the monkeys. They are all lovely. 笔试部分(75分) 一.判断所给单词的划线部分读音是否相同,用“S”或“D”表示。(4分) 1. pear bear ( ) 2. world forty ( ) 3. snow now ( ) 4. blouse house ( ) 5. weather season ( ) 6. bird skirt ( ) 7.children school ( ) 8.cool noodles ( ) 二、英汉互译 ( 10分) 1.最好的季节 ______


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