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职场英语:教你如何告别假期综合症 Today with online and mobile technology to help, it’s never been easier to find the dream job that fits your goals. 如今,我们能够通过网络和通讯科技,更容易地找到符合自己预期目标的工作了。 Though the job market is looking good right now, your first hurdle is still going to be that first job interview impression. You start, of course, by reading up on the company itself, their competition, and then prepare to explain what you can do to fill their needs. Plus, here are the five tips you should follow to ensure you land your dream job: 虽然职业市场的前景大好,但是你还得通过第一关——留下良好的面试印象。毫不意外地,你得首先从公司情况着手,了解他们的行业竞争,然后好好准备,向对方展示你能满足他们需求的资格。然后,你还得留意下面的5个注意事项,以便更好地找到理想的职业。 1. 5 Minutes to make a good first impression. 1. “5分钟好印象”法则。 A recent poll finds that half of all employers surveyed stated that they size up their candidate in the first five minutes of any interview, which determines whether they’ll be offered the position or not. 最近有一个调查发现,有半数参与采访的雇主表示,他们会在面试的前5分钟就衡量出这位求职者的就业资格,这也就决定了他们会否为求职者提供职位的机会。 That doesn’t give you, the prospective employee, much of a window. So make sure everything is on point. Dress appropriately; some due diligence should tell you whether the company is formal or more casual when it comes to business attire. When in doubt, dress up. It will give you a sense of authority, which your interviewer can feel, and which can make you feel more in control of the whole process. 但是,这并不会给作为潜在员工的你多大的着手方向。所以要保证方方面面都兼顾到位。你应该穿着得体,因为某些详细的调查会显示这家公司的着装要求是正式还是相对随意的风格。如果有任何不确定的地方,那就好好打扮自己吧。这样能让你看起来意气风发,面试官也会感觉到,你对整个面试流程有着很好的把握。 2. You can speak volumes with body language. 2. 使用过多肢体语言。 Body language can also be a deal breaker during that first five minutes. Failure to make initial eye contact is fatal to your chances. Lack of an initial sincere smile tells your interviewer more than what comes out of your mouth that first five minutes. 肢体语言也是面试的前5分钟里必须关注的因素。如果你不敢与面试官进行眼神交流,这样会大大损害你的工作机会。面试开始的时候面无表情,没有表现出真诚的微笑,这样面试官了解你的真实情况会比你说的更多。 Keep yourself in check when it comes to: 当遇到下面这些情况的时候要控制好自己。 Fiddlin


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