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牛津英语7A教案 初一年级教案活页纸?????????? 主备人??????? ????????审核人???? ? 总 课 题 Unit1 This is me! 总课时 5 第 1 课时 课??? 题 Comic strip and welcome to the unit 课型 新授课 教学目标 知识目标 . To grasp the words : e-dog, master, look after, good night 能力目标 . To learn how to greet with each other in English. 情感目标 To train the Ss’ love to each other and respect each other? 教学重点 To learn how to greet with each other. 教学难点 The same as the above. 课前预习 Preview the new words. 教学过程 教学环节 教? 师? 活? 动 学 生 活 动 备课札记 Step1?? Revision ??? ?????? Step2 Presentation ? ? ? ? ? Step3.Presentation ? ? ? ? Free talk Ask the Ss to greet their partners. ??? ? 1)Show Ss a clock and say: At this time of day, how do you greet your teacher or your partner? 2)Today we are going to meet some friends at Beijing Show Ss a picture say: Look! I have two new friends. Point to Eddie, say: It’s a dog. Then Hobo: It’s an e-dog. Ask: Do you want to know his name? Say: I have an e-dog. I look after my e-dog every day. Who is his master? ? ? Ss greet with each other. ? ? ? ? ?Ss read and find what the Ss say. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? listen and say ? ? ? ? ? ? 通过这样一个情境的设置,可以激发学生的学习动机,更好地参与到课堂中来。 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 教学过程 学生活动 备课札记 ? ? ? ? Step4.listen and answer ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Step5? composition ? ? ? ? Step6Test ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Do you know? Present: master and look after T: Where’s the dog? ? ? Play the tape and answer the questions 1.What is it? ( It’s an e-dog .) 2.Who is Eddie? ( He is the master.) 3.Who is Hobo? ( He is the e-dog.) 4.Do you like this e-dog/Eddie/Hobo? 5.Does Eddie like the dog? How do you know? Get some students to answer them in English. ask the students to write a composition ? Test in class. ? ? Homework Finish the exercises in the workbook. ?Revise the use of the Prep. in English. ? Think of the question. ? ? ? Work in groups. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? write a composition ? ? Do the exercises. ? ? ? 培养学生综合运用英语的能力。 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 教师要多做个别指导。 ? ? ? 当堂巩固,检测课堂效果。 达标情况 ? ? ? 牛津英语7A教案 初一年级教案活页纸?????????? 主备人??????


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