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哈尔滨工业大学工学硕士学位论文 哈尔滨理工大学学士学位论文 - PAGE II - -  PAGE III - 基于单片机的煤矿瓦斯检测系统 摘 要 瓦斯爆炸成为中国矿难的主要原因之一。防止瓦斯爆炸主要在于实时监测瓦斯浓度并杜绝火源。瓦斯爆炸并不是由于温度超过甲烷燃点引发的,而是由电火花等瞬间高温引爆的,要避免这种引爆,温度必须降到甲烷的燃点(-188℃)以下,而这是不可能的,故检测温度不能防止瓦斯爆炸。在井下作业时,因设备、照明等难免会产生火花,因此主动地对瓦斯浓度进行实时、分布式的监控和检测具有更重要的意义。 以传感器技术和蓝牙通讯技术作为系统设计的基础,实现瓦斯气体浓度值的实时采集及传送,设计了系统硬件电路和相关软件。该系统硬件电路可靠性强,灵敏度高,同时有效地提高了通信系统的性能,为煤矿瓦斯监管提供了一套高效可靠的数据采集网络。通过煤矿井上瓦斯监测系统,管理人员可以方便的掌控矿井内各个测点的瓦斯浓度值,为宏观调度或应急处理提供有效的信息。 本设计基于单片机控制,是一套完备的煤矿瓦斯安全监测系统,测量后的信息经过单片机运算和处理,通过基于蓝牙技术的无线传输系统进行输出数据和即时监测,大大提高了煤矿内工作的安全系数。 关键词 瓦斯检测;气体传感器;单片机;A/D转换器;气体测量 The preliminary design of gas alarm system based on MCU Abstract Gas explosion has become one of the topmost causes of Chinese coal mines’ disasters. The gas explosion is not because the temperature surpasses the methane to ignite the initiation, but by the electric spark, instantaneous high temperature detonation and so on. To avoid this kind of detonation, the temperature must fall to the methane ignition point (-188℃) below, but this is impossible, therefore the examination temperature cannot prevent the gas explosion. Therefore, how to avoid the gas gathering to reach the critical concentration and stop ignition source is the most important method stop recent the explosion. The fire resource is rather difficult to eradicate due to them adenines, electric appliances using in the mine, thus the key important method to prevent the explosion falls on how to detect the gas concentration timely and precisely. Take the system design by the sensor technology and the blue tooth mechanics of communication the foundation, realizes gas strength value real-time gathering and the transmission, and has designed the system hardware electric circuit and the related software. We designed the system hardware circuit and software. The high sensitivity and reliability of the system hardware, and effectively improve the performance of a communication system for coal mine gas monitoring with a set of a highly efficient and reliable data


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