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油莎豆—浑身是宝的特种经济粮油作物 阳振乐 (中国科学院植物研究所资源植物重点实验室,100093,北京) 摘要: 油莎豆是目前已知唯一在块茎器官中积累大量油脂的特种经济作物。油莎豆可生吃或熟吃,也可打浆做 成豆奶,还可以磨粉用作食用面粉。油莎豆可用来榨油、制糖和酿酒,而剩渣可用来做饲料。茎叶除可作绿 肥和青饲料外,又是造纸、包装填充及编织的好材料。因此油莎豆集粮、油、饲为一体,具有较高的综合利 用价值。但目前国内对该种作物认知度较低,大部分民众还不知道此为何物,很有必要进行推广和知识普及。 为此本文主要介绍了油莎豆的优势特性、经济价值和研究进展,并对目前油莎豆研究中存在的问题进行了讨 论。 关键词: 油莎豆;块茎;用途;食品;食用油;饲料 Cyperus esculentus —A special economic crop for food and oil Zhenle Yang (Key Lab of Plant Resources, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, China) Abstract: Cyperus esculentus is currently found a special economic crop with high accumulation of oil in its tuber tissues. Tubers of C. esculentus can be eaten raw or roasted, or ground to make a refreshing drink like milk and milled into flour. The tubers can be also used to produce edible oil, and the residual cake can be further applied for making sugar and wine, while sugar residue and lees are favorable feed. Leaves of C. esculentus can be used as green manure and forage, and are also good materials for paper making, packing and weaving. Therefore, C. esculentus integrates the food, oil and fodder as a whole with a high value of comprehensive utilization. As the low recognition of this kind of crop in China and most Chinese people do not know what this is, it is worthy of promoting and popularizing the knowledge of C. esculentus. In this paper, the characteristics and economic value as well as research progress of the crop were introduced, and the problems in the investigation regarding C. esculentus were also discussed. Keywords: Cyperus esculentus; Tuber; Application; Food; Edible oil; Fodder 1 概要 油莎豆,又名油莎草、铁荸荠、地杏仁、地下板栗、地下核桃、人参果和人参豆,有的地 方又叫油豆。英文名为 yellow nutsedge、tiger nut 或 earth almond,拉丁文为 Cyperus esculentus。


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