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第三学时 Using Language Reading,listening and speaking;Task 1;Task 2;2.Who will be happy if the cinema is designed as the writer suggests? ( ) A.The people in the wheelchairs. B.The hearing-impaired customers. C.The cinema owners and the disabled people. D.The able-bodied people.;3.What does the letter mainly tell us? ( ) A.The architect should not treat the disabled people unfairly. B.More facilities should be designed in the cinema for the convenience of the disabled people. C.If the architect does a good thing for the disabled people,he will be praised by the public. D.The disabled people should enjoy the cinema with dignity.;Part A Role Play 情景介绍: Alice向建筑师Ms Sanders就修建电影院提建议。 角色:Alice and Ms Sanders 任务:(1)请根据中文提示提出问题。 (2)请你的同学根据课文内容回答你的提问,然后你们互换角色进行口语练习。;Q3:要怎样帮助有听觉障碍的观众呢? _______________________________________ Q4:要怎样帮助矮个子观众看好电影呢? _______________________________________ Q5:关于洗手间及停车场有什么要注意的吗? _______________________________________ Q6:总的说来,你希望我怎么做呢? _______________________________________;Part A Role Play Q1: What should I consider when building the new cinema? A1:You should consider the matter of easy use of the cinema by the disabled customers. Q2: What should I consider for the people in wheelchairs? A2:There should be adequate access for wheelchairs. It should be handy to have lifts to all parts of the cinema. Q3: How to help people who have trouble hearing? A3:There should be earphones for people who have trouble hearing.;Q4:How to help short people enjoy the cinema? A4:The seats at the back of the cinema should be placed higher than the ones at the front so that everyone,tall or short can see the screen easily. Q5:Is there anything to pay attention to about the toilets and car parking? A5:There should be toilets for the disabled and car parking spaces especially for the disabled and elderly. Q6:What do you wish me to do in general? A6:I hope that you will consider my suggestions


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