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Living well;Period 1 Warming up and speaking; What is disability ?; How many different types of disabilities do you know?;;Reference One;;Franklin Roosevelt 1882- 1945, America .;Beethoven (1770 --1827) Germany Deafness famous musician ;Vincent Van Gogh (1853—1890) Holland 凡高 Epilepsy癫痫症 Impressionist painter;Zhang Haidi 1955 China paralyzed Famous writer; Hu yizhou ( 胡一舟);Sanglan(桑兰) 1981 --, China.;Do you know ? Do you know anyone who is disabled around you? How does he or she deal with the disabilities?;dumb and deaf;loss of an arm or leg;mental disability severe illness brain injury deafness Loss of arm or leg;;;Speaking: pair work or group work;;Unit 1 Living Well;;; Barry Minto has just made a successful climb of Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa. Listen to him being interviewed on the radio.;Tick the statement that are true. ( ) 1. Barry is blind. ( )2. Barry is between 25-45 years old ( )3. The blind climbers got assistance from sighted companions. ( )4. More of the sighted group reached the top of the mountain than those who were blind or weak-sighted. ( )5. Next year Barry is going to climb Mount Qomolangma. ;Interview with Barry Minto Age of the blind and weak-sighted climbers______ Age of the sighted companions_______________ Height of Mount Kilimanjaro__________________ Number in the disabled group________________ Number of the disabled who reached the top of mountain_______________________________ Number in the sighted group_________________ Number of the sighted who reached the top______ Number of days to climb the mountain__________ Number of days to come down the mountain_____;Listening-III;Barry: Of the 15 sighted climbers, only 7 made it. Joan: Oh, _____________! Barry: Yes, it just shows you _______________________ … Joan: Well, Barry. I’m full of admiration for you and your companions. You have achieved something quite remarkable. Barry: Thanks. We’re ____________________


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