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Reading ;1.李华在一次事故中腿伤得很重,这使他的行为有点怪。(conduct) 2.他的同学也因此取笑他,他对这感到很烦恼。(make fun of,be annoyed at) 3.起初,他在许多方面都很难适应自己的残疾。(in many ways,have difficulty in doing,adapt to) 4.换句话说,他很多事都不能做了,如打篮球和踢足球。(in other words,access to) 5.医生叫他除了要有足够的休息,还要做特殊的训练,这对他的康复有好处。(as well as,adequate,beneficial) 6.几个月之后,我们祝贺他康复。(congratulate sb.on) 7.他终于克服了他所遭遇的困难。(meet with) 8.你必须让他注意到你病得无法继续工作。(it形宾,too..to) Make him notice that/ bring it to his attention that 9. 要不是他的伤他上月就参加运动会了。(but for) 10.这是你想出的避免疾病爆发的最好的方法。(the best way to do avoid the outbreak of diseases) ;⑴ Lihua’ s leg was seriously hurt,which made (making) his conduct a little strange./leading to his strange conduct.;⑹ A few months later we congratulated him on his recovery. ⑺ All in all,he overcame the difficulties he had met with. (8) You have to make him notice that/ bring it to his attention that you are too weak to work on. 9. He would have taken part in/ joined the sports meeting last month but for his injury. 10.This is the best way you thought of to avoid the outbreak of diseases/diseases breaking out) ;blind;An introduction to Marty and his muscle disease. How his disability developed.;1.Marty’s disease: 2. Marty’s motto: 3.Marty’s difficulty 3 Marty’s ambition 4. Marty’s achievement 5. Marty’s hobby 6.His benefit from the disease: 7.His advice on how to treat the disabled ;We can see that Marty is a/an ____ person.;Language points:;7.One problem is that I don’t look any different from other people . 8.My life is a lot easier at high school because my fellow students have accepted me. The few who can‘t see the real person inside my body do not make me annoyed and I just ignore them. 9. All in all I have a good life. I am happy to have found many things I can do, like writing and computer programming. 10.My ambition is to work for a firm that develops computer software when I grow up. 11.I have a busy life with no time to sit around feeling sorry for myself.;12. To look after my pets properly takes a lot of time


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