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Reading and Writing;Warming up;Braille Blinded by an accident in his early childhood, 15 year old Louis Braille (1809-1852) invented a system of reading and writing by touch. A Braille cell consists of six raised dots. By arranging the dots in various combinations, 64 different patterns cam be formed. Braille, a true alphabet, is read by moving the hand from left to right along each line. Readers average about 104-125 words per minute. Some can read 250 words by using both hands.;;;Listening ;Year Age Event 1809 _________ 1813 4 _________ 1819 10 _________ 1821 12 _________ 1824 15 _________ 1827 18 _________ 1825 43 _________; 从懂事那天起,我就面临只 能活28岁的无情命运。 10岁,我只能举起一个枕头; 12岁,我只能拄着棍儿走路。 14岁,我走不出院子; 16岁,完全不能走了,只能 直直地站着。 ; 18岁,不能下地; 20岁,胳膊举不过头顶。如今, 我拿不起一杯水……生活完全不能自理。行走对于一个正常人来说是最为容易的事,而对于我来说比登天还难,所以,假如我能行走三天,我将万分珍惜三天中的每分每秒。 他因病从小到大只上 过一天学。; 23年只能天天在炕上坐着,眼中惟一的风景是自家院子。 肌肉萎缩到不能自己穿 衣和洗脸,拿不起一本书,一杯水。 他叫张云成,家住黑龙江省五大连池风景区青泉村。 他写就了一部十余 万字的书稿。 这是第一部由肌无力; 患者写就的、真实再现肌无力患者生活以及坚强的励志之作。 他说:我终于证明了一点,在这个世界存在过、奋争过…… ; Scan the text and write a mini bio for Zhang Yuncheng. A Mini Bio Name: Sex: Health:; School education: Interests and hobbies: Ambition: Dream:; Write a short text of 150 words about Zhang Yuncheng. ; Zhang Yuncheng, born in 1980 in Heilongjiang, is the writer of the best seller “If I can walk for three days”. He has a disease which affects out of his muscles in his body. He developed the disease at the age of 3. Because of his health condition, he went to school for only one day. ; So Yuncheng stayed at home and over the years, his condition got worse and worse. At 16


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