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PAGE  PAGE 4 Unit1 Living well reading2导学案 新人教版选修7 学习目标:1、理解课文内容,了解梅杰给建筑师的建议 2、结合上下文语境,感知、体验、重点句子。 3、让学生对 如何写建议书的了解。 学法指导:1、自主学习课文,完成预习案中的练习。 2以课文为载体在阅读中充分利用各种阅读技巧以提高自己的阅读能力。 预习案 重点词汇: _____(n.)建筑师 2.______(adj.)足够的;充分的 3______(adj.)可接近的;可进入的; _______(n.)轮椅 5______(adj.)方便的:有用的 6.______(n.)耳机 ______(vt.)削弱:损伤8.______(n.)伙伴 9._____(n.)地下室 ______(adv.)向外地 11._______(n.)出口:退场 12.______(n.)赞同:认可 _______(n.)尊严:高贵的品质 14________(n.)收益:利润 15_______遇见:会晤 重点词汇(强行记忆) be to do sth计划、安排、打算做某事 2.mind doing sth.介意做某事 think about考虑、4.in particular尤其:特别 5.be particular about/over对很挑剔 6.be adequate for适用于 have access to可使用:有机会接触 8.have trouble (in) doing sth做某事有困难 for company陪伴:做伴 10.It is convenient for sb to do sth对某人来说做某事很方便 entrance to 的入口 12.be close to离近的 13.in comfort轻松地;舒服地 have the/an opportunity to do sth有做某事的机会。 make/earn a profit获利 探究案 阅读课文,判断下列句子的正误; Alice Major will be the architect for the new Banks-town cinema.( ) The lifts should be at the back of the cinema.( ) Every seat should have a set of earphones so that the disabled customers don`t have to sit a special area.( ) Disabled customers would be pleased if they can find and use the toilets easily.( ) Good access for the disabled people will only benefit the cinema owners.( ) 阅读理解(根据课文内容选择正确答案) The writer writes this letter to give her suggestions about designing________. A.a lift in a cinema B.a cinema C.a parking lot D.an entrance to a cinema Which of the following adjectives is not used in the passage about the equipment or facilities(设施)? A.Handy B.Easy C.Convenient D.Comfortable Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the word”dignity”/ A.Self-respect B.Pride C.Politeness D.Good manners Who will be happy if the cinema is designed as the writer suggests? A.The people in the wheelchairs B.The hearing-impaired customers C.The cinema owners and the disabled people D.The able-bodied p


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