Unit12 CultureShockPeriodSix Grammar每课一练北师大版必修4.doc

Unit12 CultureShockPeriodSix Grammar每课一练北师大版必修4.doc

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Unit12 CultureShockPeriodSix Grammar每课一练北师大版必修4.doc

PAGE  PAGE - 6 - Unit 12 Culture Shock Period Six Grammar                     基础落实 Ⅰ.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.________________(tell) many times,he has already known how to do it. 2.________(follow) this road,you’ll get to the cinema. 3.Linda can’t attend the party ________________(hold) at Tom’s house at present. 4.Don’t leave the water ________(run) while you brush your teeth. 5.He sent me an e-mail,________(hope) to get further information. 6.The brave man died,________(leave) his young wife nothing but a broken cottage. 7.The thief ran away quickly to avoid ____________(catch). 8.Would you mind ________(turn) down your radio a little,please? 9.Do you remember ________(borrow) a ruler from Betty?Don’t forget ____________(return) it to her tomorrow. 10.Susan wanted to be independent of her parents;she tried ________(live) alone,but she didn’t like it and moved back home. Ⅱ.句型转换 1.The man who is standing at the window is our headmaster. The man ________ ________ ________ ________ is our headmaster. 2.Because they had been warned by their parents,they didn’t dare to go out at night. ________ ________ ________ by their parents,they didn’t dare to go out at night. 3.If you think it over,you will have a good idea. ________ ________ ________,you will have a good idea. 4.As I don’t know much English,I’m afraid I can’t express clearly. ________ ________ much English,I’m afraid I can’t express clearly. 5.She sat at the desk and read a newspaper. She sat at the desk ________ ________ ________. 6.He suggested a visit to the palace first. He suggested ________ the palace first. Ⅲ.完成句子 1.When I came in,he ________________(停止读书)and looked up at me. 2.When I saw Tom,I ________________________ (停下来和他打招呼),but he ignored me. 3.The film we saw last night ____________(很感人). 4.________________(听到这个消息),they immediately set off for Shanghai. 5.The glass fell to the ground,__________________(摔碎了). 6.________________________________(完成他的作业后),he went shopping.


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