Unit12 CultureShockPeriodOne WarmshyupReading(Ⅱ)每课一练北师大版必修4.doc

Unit12 CultureShockPeriodOne WarmshyupReading(Ⅱ)每课一练北师大版必修4.doc

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Unit12 CultureShockPeriodOne WarmshyupReading(Ⅱ)每课一练北师大版必修4.doc

PAGE  PAGE - 6 - Unit 12 Culture Shock Period One Warm-up Reading(Ⅱ)                   基础落实 Ⅰ.单词检测 A.英文释义连连看 1.book     a.to give sb.sth.and receive the same kind of thing from them 2.Ow e b.to arrange with a hotel,restaurant,theatre,etc.to have a room,table,seat,etc.on a particular date 3.brief c.to walk slowly around or to a place,often without any particular purpose or direction 4.exchange d.having a strong and pleasant flavour 5.wander e.to have to pay sb.for sth.that you have already received or return money that you have borrowed 6.tasty f.short;lasting only a short time B.根据英文释义写出相应单词 1.________ n.:a small amount of extra money that you give to sb.who serves you in a restaurant 2.________ v.:to take o the mind and learn or understand it 3.________ n.:the largest part of a group of people or things 4.________ adj.:fair,practical and sensible 5.________ adv.:used when adding sth.to support an idea or argument Ⅱ.短语检测 1.推迟,延期put ________ 2.首先,第一first ________ all 3.大量,许多plenty ________ 4.因此,结果________ a result 5.至少________ least 6.支付,付款pay ________ 7.事先________ advance 8.嘲笑某人laugh ________ sb. 9.习惯于get used ________ 10.为某人提供食宿put sb.________ Ⅲ.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.There was a general ________(expect) that he would win. 2.Honestly I thought the fried chicken was ________(taste). 3.Karen burst into ________(laugh) on hearing the good news. 4.When it’s ________(fog),the trains are late more often than not. 5.The great ________(major) of accidents in the Alps occur while climbers are coming down. 6.I thought her request for more information was ________(reason),but it was refused. 7.I have been examined by a ________(physical) and he told me that he found nothing wrong with me. 8.I made no ________(apologize) for what I said—it was a fair comment. Ⅳ.选词填空 eq \x(give up,put off,pay for,in advance,get used to,get confused about) 1.It’s cheaper if you book the tickets ____________. 2.Because of the heavy rain


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