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Unit 12 Culture Shock ;American social customs 文前导读:因为美国人的先辈来自世界各地,所以在美国境内许多社会风俗是兼容并蓄的。如果你第一次去美国,你不必为不懂那里的风俗而难为情。;Because Americans trace(追踪) their origins from so many different countries, there is a far wider range of “acceptable” social customs in America than in some other countries. As a result, no one visiting the United States for the first time should feel uncomfortable or incorrect if he or she follows his or her own native habits. Although Americans are very informal, if you prefer to be more formal in social situations, you may freely act in your own way. This will be acceptable to those around you.; However, it may be helpful to have a more detailed understanding of the customs which are usually followed in America. Certainly, this subject is too large to discuss in great detail here, but the following are a few common situations you may experience while you are visiting the USA.;What is a personal question in one country may not be in another. For example, Americans may ask, “Where do you work?” “How many children do you have?” “How large is your house?” “Have you had a vacation yet?” Such questions are not considered by Americans to be too personal. They often ask such questions to learn what they may have in common with you or to begin a conversation. Please understand that such questions mean to be friendly; the questioner doesnt mean to be impolite.; To those visitors who come from countries where social relationships develop more slowly during a longer period of time, the American way may seem very frightening, too personal, and rude. However, even in the U.S. there are certain subjects that are avoided, or it will be considered too personal and therefore too impolite. These subjects include a persons age, how much money he or she has, how much his or her clothes and other expensive things are, his or her religion, and his or her personal life.; 佳句仿写一二三 ①Although Americans are very informal, if you prefer to be more formal in social situations, you


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