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義守大學圖書與資訊處期刊報紙使用管理原則 Principles for the Management of Periodicals and Newspapers by Office of Library and Information Services at I-Shou University 民國 87 年 10 月 20 日 87 學年度第一學期主管會報通過 Adopted on October 20.1998 by the Executive Board Meeting in the first semester of the academic year 1998 民國 91 年 4 月 20 日 90 學年度第二學期主管會報修訂 Amended on April 20, 2002 by the Executive Board Meeting in the second semester of the academic year 2001 103 年 5 月 20 日校長核定公告修正全文 Amendments to the Principles ratified and promulgated by the President on May 20,2014 一、 義守大學圖書與資訊處 (以下簡稱本處) 為讀者能完善利用紙本期 刊及報紙資源,增進圖書館之功能,以支援本校師生教學、研究與 學習之需求,並便於管理與維護,特訂定本原則。 I. The Principles for the Management of Periodicals and Newspapers by Office of Library and Information Services at I-Shou University (hereinafter referred to as the “Principles”) are made by the Office of Library and Information Services (hereinafter referred to as the “Office”) to make the most of printed periodicals and newspapers housed by the Office, bring the function of libraries into full play, and support faculty members and students in teaching, research and learning. 二、 本處期刊、報紙均屬館內閱覽,概不外借。但教職員因研究需要可 借閱過期裝訂期刊(合訂本),借期為三天。 II. Periodicals and newspapers housed by the Office shall be read only at libraries; no check-out service is available. Faculty and staff members may borrow bound back issues of periodicals for the purposes of research, and the loan period for such checkouts is three days. 三、 使用期刊、報紙時,請保持安靜、清潔,若有吸菸、喧嘩、飲食、 使用手機、妨礙秩序等不當行為者,得禁止使用;不聽從勸阻者得 移送相關單位處置。 III. Patrons must keep quiet and maintain cl


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