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六年级上册语法复习导学案 1. 称霸小学英语“三大巨头”: (1)老大“照妖镜”: dodiddoescancouldshouldwill to let’s pleasedon’tdidn’tdoesn’tcan’tcouldn’tshouldn’twon’t 例: Do you often go to school by school bus? I think you should drink more water. (2)老二“be动词”和“过去式” be动词: am, is, are , was, were 例: What is she doing? She’s tidying her bed. 过去式: 原型过去式中文原型过去式中文writewrote写gowent去dodid做havehad有,吃forgetforgot忘记meetmet遇见getgot得到seesaw见到eatate吃sendsent发送,寄findfound找到speakspoke说(语言)例:I went to the Ming Tombs yesterday. (3)老三“三单” 他(he): Daming, my father, Mr Guo, Tom, his grandpa 她(she): Ms Smart, my sister, Amy, your mother 它(it): the snake, a fox, my school 例:A baby sleeps for sixteen hours a day. My school starts at eight o’clock. 2. 问答句法宝:问谁答谁,谁开头谁结尾,问何时答合适,问什么答什么。 (you—I, we) (Are—am) how old 找年龄 (two, three, four, ten, eleven, twelve, twenty years old) how long 找长度 ( four thousand kilometers, two metres, ten hours) how tall 找高度 ( five metres) where 找地点 ( park, school, home, Beijing, Yibin, south of China) how找方式 ( by car, by plane, by air, by train, by ship, by bike, on foot, walk) when 找时间 ( yesterday, last year, next week, 2014) what time找时间点 ( ten o’clock, half past two) why 找原因 (because, lost my bag, forget my book) who 找人物 (my sister, Tom, Miss long, her parents) whose找谁的 (mine, yours, Amy’s) what 找东西,做的事,职业 ( ruler, listen to the music, teacher) 练 习 部 分(班级__________姓名__________) 一、听问句,选答句。 ( ) 1.A.It’s five metres high. B. It’s two years old. C. It’s two thousand year long. ( ) 2. A.Yes, you do. B. No, he don’t. C. Yes, she can. ( ) 3. A.Yes, I do. B. No, I didn’t. C. Yes, you have. ( ) 4 .A. All right. B. Goodbye. C. Thank you. ( ) 5. A. He is a doctor. B. Tomorrow. C. Half


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