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河北大学2013届本科生毕业论文(设计) 基于最大内切圆的掌纹子图截取 摘  要 掌纹识别技术是一种新的生物特征识别技术,它利用手掌上各种纹线、褶皱等纹理特征对用户进行身份识别。掌纹识别系统由掌纹图像采集、掌纹子图截取、特征提取和匹配及身份决策五部分构成。其中掌纹子图截取效果的好坏直接影响着后续的掌纹特征提取和匹配的结果,本文便选择掌纹子图截取算法作为研究对象。目前实现掌纹子图截取的算法有角点法、最大内切正方形法、最大内切圆法等,本文主要研究的是基于最大内切圆的掌纹子图截取。 本文学习了基于最大内切圆的掌纹子图截取基本理论和算法,并基于Matlab仿真环境实现对预处理后的掌纹图像进行定位,确定最大内切圆的圆心和半径,进而提取出其中的掌纹ROI有效区域。实验结果表明,基于本文最大内切圆的掌纹子图算法可以实现获取包含丰富掌纹信息的掌纹子图,可以满足下一步掌纹特征提取和特征匹配的需要。 关键词:掌纹识别技术;最大内切圆;Matlab;掌纹子图截取 Palm-print Sub-graph Interception Based on the Maximum Inscribed Circle Algorithm ABSTRACT Palm-print recognition technology is a new biometric identification technology, which uses a variety of patterns on the palm lines, wrinkles and other texture features for user identification. Palm-print identification system have five parts, which are palm-print image acquisition, palm sub-graph interception, feature extraction and matching and identity . In which the effect of palm sub-graph intercept a direct impact on subsequent palm-print feature extraction and matching results, the paper has chosen palm-print sub-graph interception algorithm for the study. Currently implemented algorithms palm-print sub-graph interception angular point method, maximum inscribed squares method, maximum inscribed circle method, this paper studies is based on maximum inscribed circle of palm sub-graph interception. This paper studied based on the maximum inscribed circle of palm sub-graph interception basic theory and algorithms, and Matlab simulation based environment to achieve the preprocessed palm-print image to locate, determine the maximum inscribed circle center and radius, and then extract them palm-print ROI effective area. Experimental results show that this maximum inscribed circle palm-print algorithms can achieve access sub-graph contains a wealth of information palm palm sub-graph meet next palm-print feature extraction and matching. Key words: palm-print recognition technology; maximum inscribed circle; Matlab; palm-print sub-graph interception 目 录  T


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