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摘 要 PAGE  PAGE - 39 - 摘 要 就目前来说,中频感应加热的加热速度快并且控制起来十分方便,已经在诸多行业中得到了广泛的应用。本文对600kwIGBT串联谐振式节能中频电炉主电路系统进行了设计,主要工作如下: 一.高压10kV进线开关柜的设计,高压10kV系统为小电流接地系统,设计过电压和过电流保护,设计电压、电流和电能计量。 二.设计整流电路、滤波电路以及逆变电路,说明其原理。 三.说明元件工作原理和电路设计原理及依据,说明降低谐波和节能原理。 本设计阐述了串联谐振中频感应电炉的主电路整体结构,并且给予了基本电路的理论分析,推导了主电路的计算公式,阐述了经过整流桥和谐振负载改造后优点,完成了逆变电路、整流电路以及电抗器的设计。目前为止,串联谐振中频电炉仍具有大量的使用空间,使得该课题具有其现实意义。 关键词:感应加热;串联谐振;晶闸管;逆变;整流 Abstract Abstract For now, the rate of heating of the medium frequency induction heating, fast and control is very convenient, has been widely used in many industries. This article 600KwIGBT series resonant energy-saving intermediate frequency electric furnace main circuit system design, the main work is as follows: One. The design of high voltage 10KV line switchgear, high voltage 10KV system for small current grounding system, the design of overvoltage and overcurrent protection, design voltage, current and power measurement. Two. The design phase into the 10KV six line rectifier transformer wiring, selection of the rated voltage and the voltage drop, low pressure outlet overvoltage and overcurrent protection, indicating that reducing the harmonic principle. Thire. Description of the components working principle and circuit design principles and basis of the lower harmonics and energy conservation principle. The design described the overall structure of the main circuit, the series resonant medium frequency induction furnace and give a theoretical analysis of the basic circuit, the main circuit is derived formula on the advantages of the transformation after the bridge rectifier and the resonant load inverter circuit is completed, design of the rectifier circuit, reactor, and the line inductance. So far, the series resonant intermediate frequency electric furnace still has a lot of use of space, the subject has its practical significance. Keywords: induction heating; series resonance; thyristor, inverter;rectifier 目 录 目 录  TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l _Toc3269141


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