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1.You have been assigned as project manager on what could be a bet the company project. If the project is successful, management will be carrying you around on a sedan chair, if it fails, you will be in the unemployment line. You realize that to be successful you need to exercise maximum control over project resources. Which form of project organization should you establish for this project? A. Strong matrix B. Projectized C. Project coordinator D. Weak matrix 1. 你负责管理的一个项目, 这个项目对你来说是成败在此一举。 如果项目成功, 那么你的前途无量;如果项目失败, 那么你就要被炒鱿鱼。 你意识到:??为了使项目成功,你必须对项目资源具有最大程度的控制。 那么你预备建立哪一种项目组织形式来达到你的目的 A. 强矩阵 B. 项目型 C. 项目协调人 D. 弱矩阵 2.Your project is managed under a projectized organization. It has just entered closure. Under the circumstances, which of the following should be your GREATEST concern?? A. Setting yourself up to take over a large multi-year project? B. The team is not focused on completing the project. C. You will have extra pressure from the customer.? D. Making sure your manager knows the project is almost completed 2. 你的项目在项目型组织中执行,现在刚进入收尾阶段,在这种情形下你最应该关注的是: A.让自己能接受一个大的多年度的项目 B.这个团队重心不在完成这个项目上 C.你会受到来自客户的额外压力 D.确定你的经理知道这个项目已几乎完成 3. You have been assigned to a project in which the objectives are to direct customer calls to an Interactive Voice Response system before being connected to a live agent. You are in charge of the media communications for this project. You report to the project manager in charge of this project and the VP of marketing, who share responsibility for this project. Which organizational structure do you work in?? A. Functional organization?? B. Weak matrix organization?? C. Projectized organization?? D. Balanced matrix organization? 3. 你参与一个项目,该项目目标是在客户的电话在未被连接到代理之前,将其接到一个交互式的语音回应系统。你主要负责该项目的信息沟通.你需要向该项目的项目经理和市场VP(与项目经理共同分享项目的权限和职责)汇报工作。你所工作的机构属于下列哪种组织形式? A. 职能组织 B. 弱矩阵组织 C. 项目化组织 D. 平衡矩阵组织 4. What is not true of project life cycle phases? A. They are generally sequential B. They cannot overlap C. They define what deliverables are produced D. The


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