Module Three Inquiries and Replies.ppt

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Module Three Inquiries and Replies

First enquiry General enquiry Specific enquiry; Writing Steps;Letter 1 Specific Inquiry;Language Points; Language Points;3. C.I.F.C3% 价格术语: 成本保险加运费含佣金百分之三 commission n 佣金 (在标定的价格基础上给与买方一定比例的减让。) 含我方佣金百分之三 our 3% commission / a commission of 3% inclusive of our 3% commission including our commission of 3% 两笔(或几笔)佣金— two items of commission / several items of commission 一切佣金—all commissions ;In view of our long-standing business relationship, we would like to allow you another 2% commission for further promotion of our products. 考虑到我们之间长期的贸易关系,我们愿再给你方百分之二的佣金,以促进我方产品进一步扩大销售。 通常我们支付给代理人的佣金是每笔交易的百分之五。 We usually pay our agents a 5% commission of the value for each deal. ;4. delivery n 交货 effect/make delivery交货 take delivery提货 Practice To ensure fastest delivery, you are required to forward the above order by air freight. 为保证最快交货,我方要求对上述订单用航空运货。 We must insist on delivery within the time dated, and reserve the right to reject the goods, should they be delivered later. 我们坚持在原定日期内交货,若迟交则保留拒收的权利。; Language Points; Language Points;7. place a large order with sb for sth 向某人大量订购某物 place a substantial order with sb for sth 向某人大批量订购某物 Practice If your price is reasonable, we may place a large order with you. 若你方价格合理,我们可能向你大量订购。 As your women’s dresses are of high quality and prices are reasonable, we’ll place a substantial order with you. 因为你方的连衣裙质量好、价格合理所以我们向你方大量订购。;Chinese version of the letter;Letter 2 General Inquiry; Language Points; Chinese version of the letter 敬启者: 事由:T恤 我们得知贵公司是香港主要的服装经销商,因此想了解标题项下的货物的详细情况。 如能寄给我们有关上述货物的最新的价格表和带有插图的目录册,我们将不胜感激。 报价时,请提供能现货供应的样品。 至于我方的资信状况,您方可向我中国银行辽宁分行查询。期待您方的早日答复。 谨上 ;Letter 3 Requesting for Catalogues and Price lists; Chinese version of the letter;Letter 4 The first inquiry; Language Points; Language Points; Language Points;执事先生: 我们同好运公司交往多年,承蒙他们向我们推荐了贵公司。 我们是美国主要的纺织品批发商。现有


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