M3 Unit 3 reading 2 语言点.ppt

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M3 Unit 3 reading 2 语言点

Unit 3 Lost civilization Language points;1.The city was founded in the 8th century BC. vt 兴建 创建(通常用被动语态);be founded on 建立在……的基础上 相似短语:be based on base… on;2. In 89 BC, the Romans took over Pompeii. take over 接任; 接管; 接收;take back 收回 take down 拿下,放下;写下,记下 take in 接纳,吸收;欺骗 take off 脱掉(衣服等), 起飞; 突然开始成功;开始走红;飞黄腾达 take on 接受,从事;雇佣;呈现 take up 拿起,举起;从事,学习; take after (在外貌,行为方面)和(某个长辈)…很相象 take charge of…负责… take control of…控制…;珍妮真的很象自己的母亲. Jenni really __________her mother. 这个价格包括了食宿等一切费用. This price __________the cost of all the accommodation. 不要被那些声称能在一周内帮你减肥的产品给骗了. Don’t be ________by products claiming to help you lose weighy in a week. 我听说他真的在一年内飞黄腾达了. I hear that he really __________in a year. 迪伊开始习惯在6点起床,然后去慢跑. Dee has _________getting up at 6 and going jogging.; 3. … ash and rocks poured out of it onto the surrounding countryside (1)黑色浓烟从屋顶滚滚而出。 ;习惯用语 pour in pour out pour cold water on pour oil on the flame ;4. Many people were buried alive, and so was the city. bury 这里意思是“埋葬; 隐藏; 掩蔽; 埋头于”如:;The house ______________ under snow. 房子一半埋在雪中。 He ____________ in his work. 他埋头工作。 Many men __________ underground when there was an accident at the mine.矿上发生意外时, 许多矿工都被埋在地下。; She fell into the bed, ______ her face in the pillow and sniffed sadly. (抽鼻子) 1) be buried alive 表示”活埋”, alive 在这儿作状语使用。; live /laiv/ adj 活的,只用于动物,作定语; 现场直播的; adv. 以实况的 living adj 活着的;有生命的; 可指人或物在使用的; 即现用的(前置定语;表语) alive adj 活着的, 多用于人, 在句中只作表语、宾补或后置定语; lively adj 生动的 活泼的 ;5. It turns out that after the ash covered the people who failed to flee the city. ;ruin n. 毁坏、破坏(不可数); 废墟、遗迹(常用复数) eg. We could see the ruins of the house. This news meant the ruin of all our hopes. 这消息使我们的一切希望都破灭了。; in ruins 成为废墟、落空 eg. The house across the street is in ruins. Our plan is in ruins. in pieces 成碎片、破碎、落空 His plans are n


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