Early Translation Studies 早期翻译学派.pptx

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Early Translation Studies 早期翻译学派

Ostranenie as the Evaluative Standard; Ostranenie as the Evaluative Standard ; ;Pro Vice Chancellor and Professor in the center for Translation and Comparative Cultural Studies. Educated in European countries-diverse languages and cultures. Lectured in universities around the world academic career in Italy. The University of Warwick in England, she set up a post-graduate center in intercultural studies.; ;Translation Studies (1980); ;There is no right way to translate a literary text. The interpretation of the translation be based on the comparison of the texts “function” as original and as translation.;Try to break down the readers narrow concept Get people to view translational phenomena in a broader sense favor ostranenie effects make the text relevant to the contemporary reader;partially determined by terminological confusion within the field its inscription in traditional philosophical dualism its privileging an aesthetic that lends itself to appropriation by referenceless and subjiective stratagems.;Holmes: preserve the sound, the sense, the rhythm, the textual “material” of the thing in language and recreate those specific sensations-sound, sense, and association-despite inherent limitations in the target language.;Bassnett:focuses to the centeral theme and meaning, derives the “original function”, and allows the replacement of much of the text, with all its particular resonance and associations, with something new and often quite different, but which theoretically affects the reader the same way.;此句诗中“summer”(夏日),将其翻译成其他语言时,就必须考虑“夏日”一词在源语文化与目标语文化之间可能存在的差异。莎翁笔下的英国“夏日”是“宜人时节”的代名词,而在其他许多文化里面“夏日”可能意味着“难耐的酷暑和煎熬”。要做出合格翻译,译者必须改变源文本形式,以便使源文本“宜人时节”的文化含义能在目标文本中得到正确的传递。; ;例1:学堂就设在祠堂里。(陈忠实,1993) “祠堂”一次直译成“CiTang” 会使外国人云里雾里,达不到文化传播的作用,而巴斯奈特的文化翻译理论要求翻译必须达到文化功能的等值效果,所以“祠堂”应该采用意译法,翻译为“Ancestral hall” 。;例2:吴长贵用骡子驮着女儿和嫁妆赶前一天夜里进了白鹿镇。(??忠实,1993) “嫁妆”一词直译成“marriage things”就达不到小说中“陪嫁”的意思,外国也没有这个风俗,因此应采用意译,翻译为“dowry”,正好与汉语“嫁妆”达到文化对接的效果,易于理解。;依照文化翻译观,应该保留“米”和“粥”,采用“异化”的翻译策略,译为“E


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