Low temperature specific heat of glasses a non-extensive approach.pdf

Low temperature specific heat of glasses a non-extensive approach.pdf

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Low temperature specific heat of glasses a non-extensive approach

a r X i v : c o n d - m a t / 0 5 0 8 5 1 2 v 1 [ c o n d - m a t .s t a t - m e c h ] 2 2 A u g 2 0 0 5 Low temperature specific heat of glasses : A non- extensive approach Ashok Razdan Nuclear Research Laboratory Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Trombay, Mumbai- 400085 Abstract : Specific heat is calculated using Tsallis Statistics. It is observed that it is possible to explain some low temperature specific heat properties of glasses using non-extensive approach. A similarity between temperature dependence of non-extensive specific heat and fractal specific heat is also discussed. Motivation: Non-extensive statistics is being increasingly used to explain anomalous be- haviour observed in the properties of various physical system. Tsallis statistics has been used to study physical systems /phenomena which include turbulence in plasma [1], Cosmic ray background radiation [2], self gravitating systems [3], econo-physics[4], electron -positron annihilation [5],classical and quantum chaos [6], linear response theory [7], Levy type anomalous super diffusion [8], ther- malization of electron - phonon systems [9], low dimensional dissipative systems [10] etc. It has been shown that non-extensive features get manifested in those systems which have long range forces, long memory effects or in those systems which evolve in (non Euclidean like space-time) fractal space time [11 and ref- erence therein]. Apart from other applications it has been suggested [11] that non-extensive statistics can be applied to complex systems like glassy materi- als and fractal / multi-fractal or unconventional structures also. Anomalous low temperature specific heat results in glasses have motivated us to use non- extensive statistics. We will also compare specific heat using Tsallis statistics with specific heat of a fractal. Low temperature specific heat: Specific heat depends on density of states g(ω) Cp = kB 2 h? ∫ ∞ 0 g( kBT h? x) x2ex (ex ? 1)2 dx (1) where x = h?ω kBT . Above equatio


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