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智 课 网 G M A T 备 考 资料 GMAT逻辑答题规律-智课教育 逻辑考察学生的推理判断能力,所以掌握一些做题技巧还有解题规 律是很必要的,其实这种逻辑类考题并不像大家所想象的那样毫无规律 ,只要将历年真题加以总结就可以发现,这些题目还是可以有迹可循的 。接下来小编详细为大家介绍一下GMAT逻辑答题规律,希望对大家备 考GMAT逻辑考试有所帮助。 1. 事物的本身不能说明问题,事物的变化方能说明问题 这类考题和GMAT逻辑中的一类考题是非常类似的,仅仅通过事物 的本身不能说明问题,事物变化的趋势和结果才能说明问题。比如我们 看下面两道题目: 1.As the price of gasoline rises, which makes substituting alcohol distilled from cereal grain attractive, the prices of bread and livestock feed are sure to increase. (A) which makes substituting alcohol distilled from cereal grain attractive (B) which makes substituting the distillation of alcohol from cereal grain attractive (C) which makes distilling alcohol from cereal grain an attractive substitute (D) making an attractive substitution of alcohol distilled from cereal grain(E) (E) making alcohol distilled from cereal grain an attractive substitute 这道题目中划线部分的which只能用来指代价格,但是价格的本身 是不能说明用从谷物中蒸馏出来的酒精来做替代品变得更有吸引力的, 油价上涨了这件事情方能说明,所以不能使用which,因为which只能 指代一个特定的主体,它不能用来指代整个句子。应该用现在分词做伴 随状语来表结果,所以答案应该选E,使用make n1 n2的句型。 2.Some of the tenth-century stave churches of Norway are still standing, demonstrating that with sound design and maintenance, wooden buildings can last indefinitely. (A) standing, demonstrating that with sound design and maintenance, wooden buildings can last indefinitely (B) standing, demonstrating how wooden buildings, when they have sound design and maintenance, can last indefinitely (C) standing; they demonstrate if a wooden building has sound design and maintenance it can last indefinitely (D) standing, and they demonstrate wooden buildings can last indefinitely when there is sound design and maintenance(A) (E) standing, and they demonstrate how a wooden building can last indefinitely when it has sound design and maintenance 这道题目的意思是一些十世纪的教堂在挪威依然屹立着,展示了有 着很好的设计和保养,木质结构可以无限延续下去,所以答案选A,同 样用现在分词做伴随状语来表结果,而C,D,E的逻辑就错了,它们使 用了they,只能指代复数名词教堂,变成教堂本身展示了有着很好的设 计和保养,木质结构可以无限延续下去,这个逻辑是不对的,教堂本身 怎么可能展示呢?比方说十世纪有个教堂,到了十一世纪就倒塌了,它 所展示的意义不是刚好和原文相反了吗?所以教堂本身是不能展示的, 教堂在挪威依然立着这件事情方能展示有着很好的设计和保养,木质



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