(英文)激光打印机上扫描镜实验Laser Printer Scanning Mirror Experiments.pdf

(英文)激光打印机上扫描镜实验Laser Printer Scanning Mirror Experiments.pdf

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(英文)激光打印机上扫描镜实验Laser Printer Scanning Mirror Experiments

Tube Time Home? About? Laser Printer Scanning Mirror Experiments August 4, 2008 9:49 pm eric Projects Digging through my junk box today, I unearthed the scanning mirror from a laser printer, otherwise known as the Heart of the LaserJet. It’s got the infrared laser that generates the image as well as the scanning mirror that creates the raster. It’d be fun to get it up and running for nefarious purposes… The scanning mirror and motor uses a “custom” (undocumented) Panasonic motor driver, the AN8247SB. As usual, Google returns a million hits for grey market parts brokers who spam the keywords with things like “PDF” and “datasheet” without offering any actual information. So my usual plan of attack does not succeed. The second step is to examine the single 5-pin connector to see what I could figure out. Pin 3 is obviously ground because it is the only pin connecting to any large ground planes. What I suspect to be pin 5 appears to be the power supply since it connects to two very low valued resistors (0.75 total) which probably perform a current sense function. Most of the other pins disappear inside the undocumented chip. Digging around in my junk box produced the power supply board for the laser printer. I was able to find the other side of the connector and quickly verify that pin 3 is indeed ground. What I thought was pin 5 is actually pin 1, and it is indeed power. Tracing back through the power board I notice that it connects to a filter capacitor with a 25V rating. Based on that I conclude that it is very likely a 12V rail. I soldered some jumper wires onto the board and began experimentation in earnest. Page 1 of 6Tube Time ? Blog Archive ? Laser Printer Scanning Mirror Experiments 2010-09-25http://tubetime.us/?p=13 Connecting the board to 5V didn’t result in any excessive current, so I slowly ramped up the voltage to 12V. Nothing happened. Not even anything bad. Looking carefully at the laser printer’s power supply board, I traced the ot



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