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M4U3 词汇练习或检测 一、根据首字母或括号里中文写出英语单词 I don’t think his decision is wise in ______________ (事实)。 You will ______________ (使惊奇) you friends by drawing a drum in 10 seconds! Woman used to play a _____________ (被动的) role in a marriage. I always use a mini-camera when I go ______________ (观光)。 It was a great ______________ (便利)to have the doctor living near us. The child felt ______________ (安全的) near its parents. The library has facilities for the _______________ (有残疾的). You’ll find the hotel in the _______________ (街区). I think I am fully _______________ (自信的)of his success. You can find out many advantages in _______________ (城市的) life. The ______________ (功能) of the ear is to listen. We don’t want to _______________ (雇用) inexperienced worked. The _______________ (编辑) remarked that article was well written. She is __________________ (不断地) changing her mind. Don was appointed the _______________ (主要的) engineer of the project. He emphasized the _______________ (重要性) of careful driving. Her gentleness has given me a deep _______________ (印象)。 There wasn’t enough water to _______________ (漂浮) the ship. Steve and I managed to ________________ (逃脱) unharmed. The plane flew _______________ (向上) and out of sight. The forest fire was so big that the f______________ didn’t get close to it, never to say putting it out. The film industry a_______________ him of piracy. When she won the gold medal in the Olympics, tears of h________ flowed down her cheeks. Many things thought impossible in the past have been turned into r__________, as we can see now. 二、写出下列划线单词或词组的中文意思。 1. Im Brazilian by birth although my parents are Japanese. 2.He is a specialist in computer programming. 3. We are in favor of fighting against piracy. 4. Why did humans evolve to walk upright? 5. I have nothing to add to my earlier statement. 6. One should always base his opinion on facts. 7. He held on to a branch until we came to his rescue. 8. Time zipped by and the year was soon over


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